
Weekend and Memories

I had a wonderful, fun, crazy, eventful weekend with my Mom and Nana. Now when I talk to them during the day and they say they have been busy all day but cannot remember doing what I can completely relate!

I honestly cannot remember everything that was done and I of course did not take any pictures because we were busy busy busy but it was a great time.

My mom and I went through several boxes of pictures sorting them out for my brothers and I and along with that there were many many memories.

Nana retold the story that My Grandy loved so much to tell of one time I was riding in the car sitting cozly between the two in the front seat (No carseat!) They thought I was sound asleep as we approached a stop light in Lubbock. As soon as the light turned Green Grandy did not even have time to move his foot to the gas peddle before I yelled "GO FOR IT GRANDY!" He loved telling me this story. I have heard it countless times from him, he laughed everytime and I loved hearing him say it over and over. Nana said she thinks he was up in Heaven telling the angels that story as he looked down on us. No doubt he was laughing!

One of the memories I value most of my Grandy is from the short period my family lived in Nashville. We had moved there for my mom to go to PA school, and while she was in school we spent MOST of our time with Nana and Grandy. I do recall a few Nannies in there to help shuttle us around but my sweet little brother ran them off so we fell to Nana and Grandy's care. Growing up I played softball and baseball for my brother's teams when they were short handed. One thing I loved about Nashville was that they had school softball teams! I tried out the first opportunity I had and became a proud member of the Grassland Generals Softball team. My favorite part however was not being on the team, or wearing my sliders (as I loved to do) but looking out into the left outfield fence, or on the bleachers and seeing my Grandy supporting me. HE would have a Grassland hat on and root for me when I hit and cheer for me when I was fielding.He came  to everysingle game of mine! He came to just about every single practice! He was my biggest fan and I was his!  I remember being in elementary shcool playing softball and LOVED when Nana and Grandy came to town to have him watch me play. I always tried to do extra good for him! I will always cherish those moments!

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