I have really been trying to be a crafty lady lately. I have been so inspired by the super simple cute things that can be done with few materials, usually even ones that are around the house already. I had a lot of awesome Christmas crafties I wanted to do but it just got to crazy for me to get any of them done. For my birthday last week my wonderful family gave me some awesome crafting tools to get me started. I have this really awesome light I am working on right now. It simply a white lantern globe light that you fold coffee filters up and glue onto it. It has been a major undertaking and will take me several weeks to complete. Since I am a immediate satisfaction kind of a person I have taken to Mod Podge for my latest craft projects. Here are a couple of my amateur crafties that I have been doing over the past week. (This post is really for my Momma and Nana who contributed to my craft fund but haven't seen any products yet)
Scrap paper
Mod Podge
Round Tin (Michaels $2.68)
My lid was not quite as clean as I wanted.... Practice makes perfect, Right? My orginal plan was to melt a candle in the tin, however after being advised from my co-workers that the tin would get to hot I just put a glassed candle into it.
Once I get on a kick I cant just stop, so I went to Dollar Tree and bought cardboard round giftboxes for a $1 each. They did not do as well as the tins but they were still pretty darn cute.
I felt like I needed a little Valentine's cheer at work so I made this one to hold candy on my desk.
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