Today is one of those days where I am just struggling. I am struggling to wake up (my Starbucks hasnt helped), I am struggling to be tolerant of others insessant questions, I am struggling to find the motivation to keep my head lifted up and not think about crawling into bed, I am struggling not to eat the girl scout cookies on the bench in front of our office, I am just plain struggling to put a smile on my face today and find the joy that has been placed in this cold Februrary day.
When I get into these little moods I try and focus on something or someone that makes me extremely happy. I usually always end up landing on the same person everytime. This sweet sweet person never has a day when her face is not filled with the most beautiful smile. She never looks at someone and judges them or thinks they are anything less than extrodinary. She rarely ever complains or expects anything but love from the people around her. She finds the joy in everything and everyone around her. She loves her enemies as her friends. She is fearless in the face of the devil. She is stronger than I will ever be. She shows me love every single day (usually at 5:01pm on the dot). She is the most incredible girl in the world!
She is one of God's most extraordinary gifts to this messy world. She shines the light of his message with her love every day. I am truly so very blessed to be counted among those that gets to be a witness to her joy on a daily basis. I am constantly amazed by her strength and unconditional love. She has taught me so much about how to LIVE life. She has taught me to not let others actions to get you down. To always always tell the ones you love that you LOVE them. To never be afraid to SHOW AFFECTION. She has taught me what real BEAUTY is. She has taught me look for the GOOD in everything. She has taught me to make time to be with FAMILY. She has taught me how to be a SERVANT She has taught me all this and she is only a teenager. I would be lost without her.
So today on my day of struggling to make it through the week, I am going to share with you photos of the girl who always always makes me smile and feel loved. I hope this will help you finish your week too!
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