
Wednesday Dumps

Wednesdays just seem like hard days... it is right in the MIDDLE of the week and I always feel more tired on Wednesdays than other days... my vitamins don't even work on Wednesdays. Therefore I start to fall into the Wednesday dumps. I sit around looking at people and judge them and become envious of them . Something about Wednesday's cause me to get into the "I'M NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE BLUES" This causes me to be unhappy in my job (which is really a good job for me but not at all what I dreamed I would be doing... I know I am not the only one!) wishing I had a bigger house that I owned, feeling  like I have it harder than everyone else or wishing my life was just plain more stinking together. Somehow my Wednesdays always consist of this same mind drowning routine.

Today I read in My Jesus Calling and it seems that God was telling me to SNAP OUT of my self-pity party because this is what it read
"There are several ways to protect yourself from self-pity. When you are occupied when you are occupied with praising and Thanking Me, it is impossible to feel sorry for yourself. Also, the closer you live to Me, the more distance there is between you and the pit. Live in the LIGHT of My Presence by fixing  your eyes on Me. Then you will be able to run with endurance the race that is set before you, without stumbling or falling."

So today I am giving Thanks to God for some of the many many blessings in my life!!

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