
My Heart will go On... and On

Let me tell you a little story. It involves a 7th grade girl, her 9th grade big brother, her mother, and the Nanny.

When the movie Titanic came out there was much much ado about the infamous nude scene. My family and I were living in Nashville, TN while my mom was attending PA school. Her classes were sometime late into the evening as she also worked at Vanderbilt hospital so we had a Nanny come stay with us after school, her name was Carol. Now in the mind of a 7th grade girl Carol caused a lot of trouble in my life at times but the absolute worst was one night when Mom decided to take the three of us to see Titanic. Time with my Mom was a cherished event and I was so looking forward to going to see this particular movie with her! Carol overheard our plans and had already seen the movie. She began coaching my Mom on how to handle her children during this scene.  It was decided that at the scene in question we would just cover our eyes. Then I suppose fearing Mom wouldn't know when to initate the "spare your kids eyes from a naked female body" scene Carol decided to tag along to the movie with us. Major Bummer for me and the boys!

So here we 5 are in a overly packed movie theatre full of mine and Ryan's school friend all coming to see Titanic. Ryan and I sat in the row in front of Mom, Patrick and Carol so I thought "SCORE," Mom won't be able to tell us that we have to close our eyes during the nude scene. We sit through the first hour and a half happily munching our popcorn and then it comes... and from behind me I can hear "sssssp" "ssssp" I try my hardest to buckle down and ignore the incessant noise coming from behind me. "SSSSSSP" "MEGAN RYAN", she is now in my ear chirping loudly at me. I tell myself to hold tight, I am almost free just ignore ignore ignore. Then my Mom is tapping our shoulders. Ryan has had enough, after a half second eye cover with his hand he is marching up the aisle, I quickly followed suit. We get outside of the theatre and he is MAD. "I have friends in there!" "Do you know how embarassing it is to cover your eyes?" "GEEZ!" We march around in anger for awhile, longer than necessary so people won't think we left just because of the nudity. Finally making our way back into the theatre for Jack and Rose's run through the furnace room and then safely into the backseat of the car only to be interrupted again by "SSSSSP" "SSSSPP" "Cover your eyes!"

Humiliation is all I can associate with my first showing of Titanic. Can you tell that memory has really stuck with me?! I remember years later seeing the full film thinking, "That wasn't so bad!" I could understand Ryan needing to cover his eyes but I was a girl for goodness sakes! Despite my humiliation it is and remains one of the most epic love stories ever told! I loved it even when I missed a good 20 minutes of middle of it. I went out at first chance and bought the soundtrack. I would lay in the bath listening to the music and know it was time to get out when the intense music woke me up from my relaxation.

Watching the trailer even now I get instant goosebumps because of the epicness of it all!

Last night Neeley and I went with our friend Bailey, who HAD NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE! I don't know how you survive in this world for the past 15 years without seeing Titanic. I mean I actually have to hand it to the girl that is an accomplishment.

Anyway we all ditched the boyfriends for a giddy night of watching Leo sweep Kate off her feet, amazing costumes and jewelry and an immense amount of LOVE! We went to the Imax 3D version which was awesome to see! Probably not worth double the ticket price but was not to be missed!

I have to admit I was very anxious last night about getting to the movie early (which I always have to do to see previews) because I just KNEW it would either be Sold Out or there would be a long line to wait in. The movie was at 7:30 and Neeley and I arrived at 7:15 (I was totally stressed by this time) to a completely empty lobby. We thought ohh yea well everyone will be in the theatre by now... there were maybe MAYBE 10 people. Neeley said "I am really disappointed in Amarillo right now, this is not a good showing of people for this movie!" Bailey came and we were all three like giddy little school girls. It felt like it was my first time to see it, and as soon as Jack came on the screen that smile never left our faces. I laughed when the children behind me were exited with their father during the nude scene sending me reminiscent back to my first time watching it 15 years ago. I noticed things I had never paid attention to before and remembered scenes I haven't watched in years. In fact I think it was maybe only the second time I had actually just sat down and watched it in it's entirety. I usually leave before it gets too sad. We all three walked out with mascara running down our faces.  Nevertheless it remains one of my all time favorites! And only flares my love affair with Leo!