
the Insurance of Life

Let me tell you a little something about what a 26 year old daughter should NEVER have to do... NEVER not under any circumstances whatsoever! She should not have to look through life insurance quotes for her 53 year old mother! NEVER!!

Alas the disease that I despise has called me to the task of doing such. I sat in my office today, where I myself sell life insurance, making phone calls regarding whole life vs. term. And realizing that the "continuation coverage" she is offered through her previous employer is our only option... my own company won't write her due to her diagnosis.

So here I sit looking at premiums deciding Whole vs. Term. The idea of a Term policy instantly makes me nauseas. Atleast with the Whole life we don't have to actualize and "end date" she could live to be 120 and still be covered. However with sky high premiums Term is definitely more logical but the problem that proves is that I am forced to think about an "end time." For someone who relishes living in denial this is not a promising task. I sat frozen at my desk today, as I am under a time limit to make our decision, screaming in my head at the world, at this disease, at the unfairness of it all.

Don't get me wrong I know that people everywhere are facing issues that are as devastating as these are but this is MY Mom. The woman who provided for my brothers and I for 20 years all on her own. The woman who supported us and believed in us unconditionally all of our lives. The woman who I go get mani/pedi's with and who I strike a very keen resemblence too.  Somedays it is just flat out NOT FAIR!