It was before Christmas when the first cases were discovered in China of this virus that had never seemed to exist before. In the beginning there were theories of it being man-made as weapon of terrorism but as it has currently spread to almost every part of the globe and been studied more and more those theories have been ruled out. I have read it was started from bats and then that ruled out. The truth is I don't think at this point any one quite knows its origins but is effects are devastating.
In February we watched as the outbreak began to spread from Asia into Europe at a rapid rate. The USA began to close the border to people visiting from those countries most heavily affected which were China and Italy mostly at that time. As the kids school closed for Spring Break we left with an optimistic "see you in a week" not realizing that the likelihood of going back to school at all this year was slipping away. For Nana's 90th Birthday, Aunt Tammy with the slight help from myself and Neeley had been planning a huge bash in Amarillo for months and months. The event was to take place over Easter weekend and family members from all over the country had made preparations to be in attendance. Just as invitations went out the week before spring break the covid-19 virus breached US soil. Different people who had been abroad and traveled home unknowingly carried it back with them. One night at a family dinner with the Forts, Nana, Aunt Tammy and Kelsey the notion of postponing the party was brought up. At this time the idea behind the virus was that it was mostly impacting the elderly generation of over 60 and that for the rest of the population it would be like a very severe flu. Within a day the scope had drastically changed. We further understood that the virus was a respiratory virus that was already heavily wrecking havoc on Washington State where many elderly people in a nursing facility were dying. The numbers of infected in LA and NYC also rose dramatically overnight leaving other cities to scramble to understand just what was happening. After consulting with some elders at the church where the party was to be held and hearing that they were discussing potentially shutting the church down for a time it was inevitable that the party be officially postponed.
( Our last outing before being stuck at home was to a trampoline park in Odessa over spring break where Mickey and Minnie made special appearances. Haven was beyond thrilled )
Watching what was happening across the globe and in our largest cities, the virus wasn't just effected the elderly but was taking the lives of people in every age group. It causes breathing issues and patients having to be put on ventilators at an alarming rate where most hospitals do not have the equipment capacity that would be needed. Death tolls in Italy began to grow astronomically. The virus can be asymptomatic in some people and is highly highly contagious so some people will have it and spread it without even knowing. They then could share it with someone who is immuno-compromised or elderly or completely average and healthy for that matter and cause their death without being anymore aware. The greatest combat against this unknown killer quickly became to Social Distance. This meant staying at home, only leaving for necessities or essential work, and staying 6 feet away from all people who are not in your household.
We got an email the Saturday before School was to resume the following Monday that it would be cancelled for the next week, which would eventually be extended for the following month and then some. As we began to understand that it was only a matter of days until the virus penetrated our county people all over America began stocking up on food, water, cleaner and other necessities. Strangely Toilet paper was the first thing that was hoarded by many and has still ,one month in, been one of the hardest things to find. Neeley and I met at the grocery store to try and get what we would need to ride out staying at home for the next few weeks.
I was highly concerned about a respitory virus because of Haven and Rory having both been diagnosed as pre-asthmatic. Rory was almost sent to the ER due to the common flu this past year because her lungs were working too hard to breathe, with this virus being 10-15x worse than that flu I have been terrified of what it could mean for our girls. Haven's birthday fell on the first Monday that school would be back in session and we had planned for the family to come over for dinner and to celebrate her. That morning the President of the United States issued a declaration that no gathering of more than 10 people could take place. With the children we were at 12 but decided since we all wouldn't be going anywhere the rest of the week it was our "big outing of the day" to keep it on. We celebrated admidst this strange new reality of our world that was still not coming into clear view. We celebrated thinking that atleast we can all still get together and be a family.
( A movie and pizza night before social distancing would keep us from being together anymore )
Within a few days Lane was severely ill with a virus that seemed like it could only be covid-19 although the wouldn't test him for it because he hadn't traveled anywhere outside the US and their hadn't been any cases yet in or county. However our hopes of keeping family gatherings up were dashed as we couldn't risk infecting Nana or our girls if he did have it. Within the week mayors and governor across the country were issuing Stay at home mandates where people could absolutely not leave their house for any reason other than for food or necessisties. Restaurants were banned from hosting guests inside and were only available for curbside takeaway orders. Movie theatres, salons, non- essential stores like HomeGoods and Hobby Lobby were shutting their doors all in an effort to help "flatten the curve."
This theory is that if everyone gets the virus at one time the hospitals could not possibly keep up with helping the 15% who would require their services but if we all stay home and away from one another then those who get it will be over a gradual period vs all at once and would be more manageable to the hospitals and healthcare workers. We saw this idea first play out in Italy where they shut the entire country down. THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF ITALY! People were forced to remain at home unless they needed groceries, there was a curfew put in place and the entire country was staying home.
The US has yet to shut down the entire country all though most states have issued mandates of sheltering at home. We are advised to only go for groceries once a week, wear masks in public, wear gloves, remain 6 ft apart from anyone not in our household. Items on shelves at the store are limited to a certain amounts of canned goods, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, meat products. All across the country corporations have completely abandoned their offices and employees are working remotely from home. Stores that do remain open may only allow 10% or their occupancy inside to keep from being to crowded and their are lines outside of people waiting to get in. Churches have been asked to cancel services and most are now offering their messages online so as not to meet in person.
In our house, the kids nor I have stepped foot inside an actual store in almost a month. When we need groceries I order them online and have to wait several days or even a week before there is an opening to pick them up or have them delivered. If there is something we desperately need before then we do Target Drive-up service which usually has what we need ready within 4 hours if it is in stock.
Even describing what is happening it seems like an alternate universe. I never imagined in my lifetime we would see something like this happen. We are shut down and shut in! Since Drew took a job working for a chemical company that services oil rigs last year his job is deemed "essential" and therefore still goes to work everyday. For this we are so thankful because of the income still coming in from him working. He works remotely for the most part out on rigs and does not come into contact with many people.
( A photo taken by Patrick of NYC packed full on his last work trip there in February, 2020. The following photo is the same street at what should be peak Friday afternoon commuter traffic hour but is absolutely desolate on April 3rd, 2020 )
Each day feels a bit like groundhogs day because it seems to be an exact replica of the day before. What started as "Ohh maybe we will be shut in for 2 weeks if that" has now been extended by the President to the first of May which would make for 6 weeks. The virus is not slowing down but taking thousands of victims and even if we are given the option to resume normal life to some extent come May I do not see us doing that with the risk the girls asthma poses. This whole ordeal is the closest many generations will ever come to understanding what it was like for the WWII generation who had rationed food, gas and loss of life. Nana said "she has thought about that time a lot lately when sugar, coffee and gas were the things that you couldn't get and everyone was scared of nuclear weapons but we were not locked inside of our homes and this is very different in that way." The kids have wished the virus away many times so they can see their cousins, go in a restaurant or store, or just play on the playground across the street.
The future is uncertain, plans have been postponed if not canceled entirely and this is a very strange and surreal time. I know who holds our future though and who has had it written out on his books since before each of us were born. He gives us peace and offers us assurances in his presence.
This time will hopefully allow a lot of people to refocus on what matters. In a world so caught up in money, greed, beating others maybe we can all focus again on the one who created us. We can slow down and put our phones down and focus on those closest to us, our family. And when the times comes for things to resume maybe we will go back out there with a new appreciation and hold tighter to those we love and put them before all the other distractions. At least that is what I am hoping for me anyway. Being couped up in a house with 3 small children is not an easy fete but it is one I am tremendously blessed to have. I know the time will come, far to soon, when these three little children will not be so little and will not want to be home with me all day long day after day but have their own busy independent lives. So I am soaking up all the hugs, kisses, fits and fights for now and we are just dancing our way through this storm.
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