
Everett is 6!!

I remember every single thing about the day you were born and it feels like there is absolutely no way it could have been 6 years ago!

Oh my sweet boy you have the kindest heart and are Such A Mama's Boy!! You love to be cuddled by your Mom and give out the sweetest kisses freely. You will not go to bed without telling me no less than 100 times that you love me. Sometimes it is just in a whisper from across the room because you have already been tucked into bed and gotten back up to tell me, again. Sometimes it is with hand motions but every way it melts me! You may look like your Daddy but you act so much like your Mom. There are so many things you do now that straight from me, like getting annoyed when Sissy (or Daddy) freely doesn't follow instructions exactly but makes up their own rules. You are very specific about your bed and how your blankets are. You like your food to be nice and separated and not mix together. Speaking of food you continue to be a very picky eater but have ventured out of your box a bit more. Chicken strips (only not nuggets), waffles, oatmeal, and buttered pasta remain a steady part of your diet. We have gotten stricter with you eating other things and you somehow always make yourself throw up. You absolutely love oranges and will eat little cutie fruits like no ones business.

This year you have been in 5 day pre-k and have really thrived. We decided to let you have another year of pre-k and not start kinder right at 5 which your Dad wasn't quite sure about. This has proved to be such a great decision. You are thriving in your class! You are one of  your teacher's favorite students and she always remarks on how smart and sweet you are. You have only gotten in trouble once all year and after that time you have reported back to me who else in the class has gotten strikes but you never have. You love to learn and try new things but get frustrated when you don't get it right away at first, again like your Mom. You have made some really sweet friends in your class and tell me that yall play lions or sonic the hedgehog in recess. It broke my heart to send you to school 5 days a week although I knew it would be so helpful for our transition into full kinder next year. I miss my time with just you so sometimes you get to stay up later than your sisters or skip nap time.

Everett you remain completely enthralled with dinosaurs and animals. Your knowledge of dinosaurs and their scientific names is unbelievable. You have also made the jump to superhero's though and love equally Batman, the Hulk and Captain America. You have developed the funniest little dance moves and love to dance to music. Lego's are something that has also been a big hit with you since last summer and you can often be found sitting for a long time playing at the dining table with your box of legos spread out before you. You love to play on the trampoline and spend extra time in the bathtub playing in the water.

Haven is your best playmate right now, she makes you laugh harder than anyone but also can annoy you more than anyone. You quickly come to Rory's aide when Sissy gets a little to handsy trying to make Rory do whatever it is she wants. You are such a good sweet big brother. Sometimes I overhear you trying to explain things to Haven and it melts my heart. We signed both of you up for soccer this spring and before her first practice I heard you telling her to not be scared of the ball and to have fun. Melted my heart although you were talking about t-ball not soccer.

Everett you still must sleep with Meyer every night and I love it. He is most nights found laying over your chest while you sleep and it takes me back  to you being 6 months old when you got him. You love to play and wrestle with Scout who is now twice your size and can take you down. Sometimes you come in and tell me how Scout is your best friend and how much you love him and it is so sweet! When I decorate for a holiday or add some new decor or when we rearranged our bedroom, you are always the first (and usually only one) to remark on how beautiful it looks or how awesome the new things are or how much you love it. You are very attentive to details and show your appreciation for them.

Everett you are such a sweet thoughtful boy! You always Thank God for Sollymoo and Grandy in your prayers which makes me so happy! We are so proud of who you are and are so unbelievably thankful God chose us to be your parents!! Happy Birthday Buddy!!

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