
A Shower for Norah Renee'

A few weeks ago I was honored to be a hostess for a baby shower for Neeley honoring her precious daughter Norah Renee' (named for her Mimi and I!)

Norah will be 6 months behind Everett and they are already best of friends. Every time Neeley holds Everett Norah kicks up a storm, we know she is trying to communicate to her buddy. Neeley found out she was pregnant in late Novemeber while I was entering my last trimester with Everett. Although we didn't get to be pregnant for long together it has been so fun to go through this experience so close together and that our babies will be so close in age to one another.

Neeley's theme for Norah's nursery is very light and sweet. Lots of light colors with a vintage twist, elegant gray furniture. So for the shower we went with a kind of birdcage theme because we had some cool stuff to decorate with already but also we could play off of Neeley's nursery theme a little with it also. I had fun making a few things for the shower that we decorated with.

One of my favorite parts of preparing for the shower was working on some cucumber sandwiches with Nana. The week before the shower Nana told me about when she and her friends used to hostess showers they would make cucumber sandwiches with special bread and tint the bread the color of the gender for the baby. We spent one day visiting bakeries trying to find the perfect bread, another day testing out the recipe, a third making all the filling for the sandwiches and tinting them pink and a final day spreading and cutting the sandwiches. It was fun to spend the week working with Nana on something she was so excited about. We had an abundance of cucumber sandwiches but the days spent with her were some I will never forget.

It was such a fun and special day celebrating Norah and her Mom! We cannot wait for her to get her!! 

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