
Everett's 4 Month Update

I am trying to refrain from starting this post with "How in the world is Everett 4 Months Old?!" but seriously... How in the world is Everett 4 Months already?!! Ugh Time is flying by.

Baby Boy you are a pure  JOY! You are such a trooper and trek all over this town with your Mama.

You are loving to stand up these days, with the help of someone of course, but you are not a big fan of sitting down. You want to explore explore explore. Your favorite thing right now is a stand up saucer thing we got you that has lots of fun gadgets on it for you to play with as you learn to stand on your own. Fortunately you are still down for major snuggles with your Mama.

You are getting your very first tooth... well ahead of your pack. I noticed it while I was in the middle of United one day and started crying as soon as I found it. A sharp tooth poking out  of your bottom gum. Everything goes straight to your mouth these days, your hands, my hands, anything you can get your tiny fingers on.

One day you decided to roll over while we were having Tummy Time at Nana/Gran Nana's house. I could hardly believe my eyes when you started rolling. You did it several times on each side and have yet to do it since.

At your 4 month check up you weighed 16 lbs. 14.2 oz and were 25.5 inches long. 70th and 80th percentiles for your age. We also got the go ahead to start giving you some food so we started with apples which you were not to keen on.

You think its hilarious when I grab your feet together and pull on your shorts or pants. You also love when your Dad rolls his eyes from side to side.

You have gone a few nights where you have slept a good 7 hours straight and others where you wake up every 30 mins or so... We are blaming the latter on a red throat you have had and praying for more of the first. I am trying really hard to set you a nap schedule and you have been great about going down for naps in your crib during the day for usually 2 hours at a time.

Simply said Everett we ADORE you and are thrilled to be your parents!!

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