Lots of loving on a silly little girl.
Lots of good eating... although it was messy and kinda grossed me out at times.
Lots of laughter talking about simple things amongst siblings.
Lots of time spent relishing every moment we have together because we aren't promised anymore time than now.
Ryan, Darrah, Paige and Peyton played amazing hosts to Mom, Patrick, Drew and I over the weekend. They gave us a great Louisiana experience and a little glimpse into their life on Ft. Polk. We hung out at the house, went bowling, ate at the Army's version of Waffle House, drove in the wildnerness of a military base, at boiled crawfish, watched the Ranger's play, took pictures, played in the water, and enjoyed time away.
I cannot think of a more fitting way to spend Memorial Day than with my very own brother who sacrifices his time and life to fight for our country. A country who at times seems to not care much about such sacrifices but when it really matters would rally to support our troops the way they have fought to support us for so many many years.
Ryan I am so very proud of you for your accomplishments and achievements in a field of work that not many choose and far less can excel in the way you have! I am in awe of you!
I also spent time reflecting on the precious and selfless life of Grandy who served in the Navy many years ago. His sacrifices and dedication lasts well beyond his time in the Navy and his life here on Earth.
Saying goodbye came too quickly and too early in the morning but we had a blast and can't wait for the next time!