
Non-Profit Experience

Back in December I applied for "the perfect job" with a non-profit agency whose cause is very dear to my heart... I didn't get the job becasue of lack of experience working with non-profit agencies.

Well it seems the Lord is trying to change my experience levels and I honestly couldn't be more excited!

From the time my Mom moved to Amarillo I have been trying to start a support group for people actually diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers or dementia. The problem I have come across is that most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's are "too far gone" by the time they are diagnosed to be able to participate in a support group or recognize the need for it. This is so not the case with Early Onset patients... the desperately NEED a group, NEED to know they are not they only one with this diagnosis.

After months of trying to get a group together, trying to go through the "proper" channels I am finally throwing caution to the wind and jumping into my own little groove. Mom and I met with a director of an assisted living facility in town who is so excited to partner with our group by offering their facility as a meeting place, provide attendees with snacks, and bring in speakers to encourage them. I AM STOKED!

The woman instantly took to mom's vivaciousness and pleaded with her to come volunteer during the days she wants to get out of the house. This is definitely an answered prayer!

In a flip of events- The American Cancer Society in Amarillo is honoring Rhonda's dad this year at their Cattle Baron's Ball. This means that the whole Kimbrough family is very much "in" on planning the event.

I overheard Rhonda talking about the entertainment for the event and let me just say with the most sincerity I have... she has NO clue about what to do for entertainment. So I offered a couple of suggestions, called a few booking agents and then found out I have been placed as head of the entertainment committee. the HEAD! I am currently trying to book a pretty semi- big used to be really big artist for the event.

I could NOT be prouder to be involved in both with both of these causes which have effected both of my parent's lives so much. I wish my Dad were here for me to tell- I know he would be proud. Cancer also waged war on my Grandy's body, I hated watching the changes it made in him. Slowly trying to kill his spirit and take away his joy for life- it definitely lost in the end!

 It feels good to be able to take a stance agains these horrible diseases and feel like my passion really can make a difference. I am grateful to both of my parent's fighting spirits and knowing that there is something/someone so much bigger than this world!

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