
Sunburst mirror

We have big blank walls in our house. This is a problem that comes with more square footage.However Neeley and I are used to cramming every inch of our wallspace with decorations so these empty patches are literally driving us crazy.
I have been oogiling and googiling some DIY design ideas for big wall spaces. After searching for what feels like a gazillion sites I kept coming across this...

The Sunburst Mirror. I decided this would  be the perfect thing to take up space in our living room. We do not have anythign else like it in the house and who doesn't need a little mirror in their living room. There are probably a couple hundred different DIY's for this nifty little project. You can use wood, bamboo, shis-kabob sticks, dowle rods, or branches from fallen trees or any other straight something  you find plenty of.

I found a great diy here  from Isabella & Max  that I got all my basic ideas from. I am horrible at following directions when it comes to craft projects and usually do my own method.

I went to Hobby Lobby for all my craft needs (not sure it was the cheapest way but I wanted to make it quick instead of shopping around for prices). I did hit the Hobs Lobs at SALE time so everything was half off.

My mirror was originally 24.99 on sale for 12.49 and my bamboo was 5.99 a bundle on sale for half so basically... buy one get one free right!

For asthetic purposes only (and because the BF thought it was cooler) I went with the green bamboo as opposed to plain tan. If I had been thinking I would not have done this. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't want to paint over it and that the green would look cool.. it did but the thought of having a big gold monstrosity was just too appealing and I ended up spray painting all my bamboo. I say it was a mistake to buy the green because I am sure I had to use more spray paint because of it :( I bought 6 bunches of bamboo for starting and then had go to back and buy two more. Now remember I am making a BIG sunburst mirror!

I did not document my process because it was a little sporatic but I LOVE the final product. It is just what was needed for our big empty wall! There are million DIY's out on the blogerweb to follow and tweak to make your perfect sun mirror.

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