
Post #100

Post #100. I started this little blog 6 months and 100 posts ago as an outlit for my feelings and thoughts. I never imagined where it would take me. As I have been watching my blog posts number creep closer and closer to 100 I kept thinking that my 100th post needed to be something really amazing! Guess what, its not. I have delayed adding to the blog to wait for something spectacular to happen but life is hard and crazy right now. Today I was reading through old posts I had written and for whatever reason never posted and this one struck my heart.

One of my favorite books in the bible has always been the book of Ruth. I loved the bond between Ruth and Naomi and their "Independent Women" way of life. I come from a family of independent women, like Ruth and Naomi it wasn't really out of sheer choice. After the loss of their husbands left them alone Ruth and Naomi clung to their relationship and their faith for strength and guidance. After my Mom and Aunt Tammy were left alone taking care of children after their divorces they were left to become Independent Women., doing all it takes to maintain the lively-hood of themselves and their children. The bond I have with both of these women is what keeps my foundation stable. They constansly lead me back to the importance of family and making every moment together special. I know that no matter what happens in this life, what silly decisions I make or attitudes I get in... I will always have the support of them.

Last year I got my Aunt Tammy the "Ruth" ring from James Avery as a small symbolance of what she means to me. I had given my mom the "Mother's Love" ring when I graduated high school and Aunt Tammy had one of those rings also from Neeley. I know alot of people have the Ruth ring as a wedding band because of the inscription on it. But the meaning for me was exactly what I wanted to express to my Aunt.


The ring says " Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay, your people will be my people and your God will be my God."

I loved the message of always sticking together. My Aunt Tammy has always always been someone for me to count on! During a very hard and emotional time in my life when I felt abandoned Aunt Tammy was there and she gave me the Ruth ring. This year for my mom's bday after the news of her diagnosis Aunt Tammy gave her the same ring. I wanted to get Neeley one for her birthday but didn't have the funds. The ring has come to be a symbol of our bond of love and support for one another.   Sometimes I put it on when I am feeling lost and instanly know that I am not alone; that on top of the amazing God I believe in I am surrounded by an amazing group of women.

I was realizing last night as much turmoil as we are going through as a family right now and as uncertain as ANY of us are of the future, I am more grateful than ever for the family that I have. We surround and embrace each other, pick each other up off the ground, call each other out when we know someone is not being themselves or the best they can be... but most importantly we stand behind each other. My family is all up in everyone's business but you know what...  I would not have it any other way. I hope to get the ring for all the women in my family who's support has gotten me through all the hard times and will continue to.

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