Martin Wedding Photos
Today I have posted new wedding photos over at my photography blog. Check it out!
Making Plans
I like plans. I like to know what my day is going to look like. I like to plan out the night before what I am going to wear so I don't have to get up so early in the morning. I like to know what book I am going to read as soon as I finish the one I am currently reading. I like to plan in advance when I am leaving town. I like to plan out my evenings after work whether I am chilling at home or eating with familiy or crafting or editing photos. I like plans. I in no way go over board to make elaborate plans for every single detail of my day but I like to have a some sort of plan.
This is highly ironic because if anyone has associated with me and my family you know WE NEVER STICK TO THE PLAN!
Drew laughs at Neeley and I trying to make plans because he knows in 30 minutes to a day it will all change and probably change a dozen times. He continually asks why we try to plan things. My family is notorious for saying we will leave somewhere at x time and it turns out 3 hours later we are still there. We just don't do well with planing. Why is it then that we try so hard. Is it the control it gives us? The feeling that in the world of crazy we do have some decisions?
If the past 6 months have been anything it should go to show that our plans NEVER work.
Today as I sat at my desk learning that my weekend plans have changed yet again, I will be making a weekend trip, no I am staying here, yes I am going, no maybe not, absolute affirmative, I was going absolutely mad crazy.
Then I read this...
RELAX AND LET ME LEAD YOU. Vast quantities of energy are wasted in obsessive planning. When you let Me direct your steps, you are set free to enjoy Me and find what I have prepared for you this day.
How foolish of me to think that my plans are ever more important than the plans of the almighty. Why do I continue to fight his plans with my own? I hardly have enough energy to stay positive these days and I am wasting that on trying to make plans... Crazy!
I am humbled today and know that HIS plans are what matters and will bring about the best outcome!
Lamp re-do
I have really been trying to revamp my room. Take some of the old lamps, frames, candle holders, etc. I have had in my past dozen houses and making them look new and fresh again.
In my last house I wanted to find the perfect lamp to fit in this nook on my dresser behind my TV. It had to be tall and slim. I found what I wanted at Lowe's. It was tall, skinny and a blah brown color.
Similar to this one...
In my last house I wanted to find the perfect lamp to fit in this nook on my dresser behind my TV. It had to be tall and slim. I found what I wanted at Lowe's. It was tall, skinny and a blah brown color.
Similar to this one...
After moving in to my new room I decided this lamp was too ugly for my new tastes. I spray painted it gold and made a bajillion ivory felt rosettes to cover my ivory lampshade and I ended up with this...
I used about 60 squares of felt, getting 4 roses out of each of them and am sad to say the back still has a big empty space in it. So far I love the way it turned out and my only regret is that now all the lampshades in my room are a very neutral white/ivory color. I would have probably chosen another color of flowers however I don't know what color that would be. I love the lamp on it's own and am very pleased with how well it has turned out.
Big Brother's Birthday
Well I thought I had this automatic posting thing all figured out... I had two posts done Thursday night, one specifically for Friday and one for Saturday... turns out I did it wrong :( Nevertheless my Friday post will be today but it will mean just as much. Here goes...
He is my amazing Brother and today I wish I could be with him but want to send all my love out to him to have the greatest birthday yet!
Words cannot describe how unbelieveably proud I am to have him as my big brother. Ryan has gone through it and come out the other side alive and well.
My brother serves to protect and defend this grand country in the U.S. Army. I remember when he first went into it I was completely devastated ( I am always one to think the worst) He has been in it now for atleast 8 years and has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan while living abroad in Germany.
We were and are all very proud of his accomplishments in his work and everywhere that it has taken him. Grandy used to LOVE to talk to Ryan while he was deployed, he always breathed a little easier that night after talking with him. Nana always makes Hard Rock Potato Soup for Ryan when he comes home (that is the only time I can get it from her!)
Ry has grown so much from the time he left Abilene to enlist in the Army, but him being in the Army is not what makes him who he is. It did help him find what does make him who he is though :)
He left a Bachelor and come back a man in love. He was the first to marry and start a family out of me and my brothers and thank goodness because he has got a wonderful little family that will hopefully just keep growing and growing!
He is an incredible dad! It is funny to see the person who helped terrorize you when you were younger suddenly become responsible for the well-being of a little precious life. I love to watch Ryan with both Peyton and Paige because he is selfless and adores his girls.
Ry is one of the most free-spirited people I know. He has his own path in life to walk and does not care if you like it or not. I have learned ALOT from him. He is direction has taken him down a different path than many others and he has made it his own. He has truly found his place in the world.
Adoring Husband. Patient Father. Caring Son. Brave Soldier. Wonderful Friend.
He is my amazing Brother and today I wish I could be with him but want to send all my love out to him to have the greatest birthday yet!
I love you Ry and am so thankful for you and the person you are!
Post #100
Post #100. I started this little blog 6 months and 100 posts ago as an outlit for my feelings and thoughts. I never imagined where it would take me. As I have been watching my blog posts number creep closer and closer to 100 I kept thinking that my 100th post needed to be something really amazing! Guess what, its not. I have delayed adding to the blog to wait for something spectacular to happen but life is hard and crazy right now. Today I was reading through old posts I had written and for whatever reason never posted and this one struck my heart.
One of my favorite books in the bible has always been the book of Ruth. I loved the bond between Ruth and Naomi and their "Independent Women" way of life. I come from a family of independent women, like Ruth and Naomi it wasn't really out of sheer choice. After the loss of their husbands left them alone Ruth and Naomi clung to their relationship and their faith for strength and guidance. After my Mom and Aunt Tammy were left alone taking care of children after their divorces they were left to become Independent Women., doing all it takes to maintain the lively-hood of themselves and their children. The bond I have with both of these women is what keeps my foundation stable. They constansly lead me back to the importance of family and making every moment together special. I know that no matter what happens in this life, what silly decisions I make or attitudes I get in... I will always have the support of them.
Last year I got my Aunt Tammy the "Ruth" ring from James Avery as a small symbolance of what she means to me. I had given my mom the "Mother's Love" ring when I graduated high school and Aunt Tammy had one of those rings also from Neeley. I know alot of people have the Ruth ring as a wedding band because of the inscription on it. But the meaning for me was exactly what I wanted to express to my Aunt.
The ring says " Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay, your people will be my people and your God will be my God."
I loved the message of always sticking together. My Aunt Tammy has always always been someone for me to count on! During a very hard and emotional time in my life when I felt abandoned Aunt Tammy was there and she gave me the Ruth ring. This year for my mom's bday after the news of her diagnosis Aunt Tammy gave her the same ring. I wanted to get Neeley one for her birthday but didn't have the funds. The ring has come to be a symbol of our bond of love and support for one another. Sometimes I put it on when I am feeling lost and instanly know that I am not alone; that on top of the amazing God I believe in I am surrounded by an amazing group of women.
I was realizing last night as much turmoil as we are going through as a family right now and as uncertain as ANY of us are of the future, I am more grateful than ever for the family that I have. We surround and embrace each other, pick each other up off the ground, call each other out when we know someone is not being themselves or the best they can be... but most importantly we stand behind each other. My family is all up in everyone's business but you know what... I would not have it any other way. I hope to get the ring for all the women in my family who's support has gotten me through all the hard times and will continue to.
One of my favorite books in the bible has always been the book of Ruth. I loved the bond between Ruth and Naomi and their "Independent Women" way of life. I come from a family of independent women, like Ruth and Naomi it wasn't really out of sheer choice. After the loss of their husbands left them alone Ruth and Naomi clung to their relationship and their faith for strength and guidance. After my Mom and Aunt Tammy were left alone taking care of children after their divorces they were left to become Independent Women., doing all it takes to maintain the lively-hood of themselves and their children. The bond I have with both of these women is what keeps my foundation stable. They constansly lead me back to the importance of family and making every moment together special. I know that no matter what happens in this life, what silly decisions I make or attitudes I get in... I will always have the support of them.
Last year I got my Aunt Tammy the "Ruth" ring from James Avery as a small symbolance of what she means to me. I had given my mom the "Mother's Love" ring when I graduated high school and Aunt Tammy had one of those rings also from Neeley. I know alot of people have the Ruth ring as a wedding band because of the inscription on it. But the meaning for me was exactly what I wanted to express to my Aunt.
The ring says " Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay, your people will be my people and your God will be my God."
I loved the message of always sticking together. My Aunt Tammy has always always been someone for me to count on! During a very hard and emotional time in my life when I felt abandoned Aunt Tammy was there and she gave me the Ruth ring. This year for my mom's bday after the news of her diagnosis Aunt Tammy gave her the same ring. I wanted to get Neeley one for her birthday but didn't have the funds. The ring has come to be a symbol of our bond of love and support for one another. Sometimes I put it on when I am feeling lost and instanly know that I am not alone; that on top of the amazing God I believe in I am surrounded by an amazing group of women.
I was realizing last night as much turmoil as we are going through as a family right now and as uncertain as ANY of us are of the future, I am more grateful than ever for the family that I have. We surround and embrace each other, pick each other up off the ground, call each other out when we know someone is not being themselves or the best they can be... but most importantly we stand behind each other. My family is all up in everyone's business but you know what... I would not have it any other way. I hope to get the ring for all the women in my family who's support has gotten me through all the hard times and will continue to.
Sunburst mirror
We have big blank walls in our house. This is a problem that comes with more square footage.However Neeley and I are used to cramming every inch of our wallspace with decorations so these empty patches are literally driving us crazy.
I have been oogiling and googiling some DIY design ideas for big wall spaces. After searching for what feels like a gazillion sites I kept coming across this...
The Sunburst Mirror. I decided this would be the perfect thing to take up space in our living room. We do not have anythign else like it in the house and who doesn't need a little mirror in their living room. There are probably a couple hundred different DIY's for this nifty little project. You can use wood, bamboo, shis-kabob sticks, dowle rods, or branches from fallen trees or any other straight something you find plenty of.
I found a great diy here from Isabella & Max that I got all my basic ideas from. I am horrible at following directions when it comes to craft projects and usually do my own method.
I went to Hobby Lobby for all my craft needs (not sure it was the cheapest way but I wanted to make it quick instead of shopping around for prices). I did hit the Hobs Lobs at SALE time so everything was half off.
My mirror was originally 24.99 on sale for 12.49 and my bamboo was 5.99 a bundle on sale for half so basically... buy one get one free right!
For asthetic purposes only (and because the BF thought it was cooler) I went with the green bamboo as opposed to plain tan. If I had been thinking I would not have done this. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't want to paint over it and that the green would look cool.. it did but the thought of having a big gold monstrosity was just too appealing and I ended up spray painting all my bamboo. I say it was a mistake to buy the green because I am sure I had to use more spray paint because of it :( I bought 6 bunches of bamboo for starting and then had go to back and buy two more. Now remember I am making a BIG sunburst mirror!
I did not document my process because it was a little sporatic but I LOVE the final product. It is just what was needed for our big empty wall! There are million DIY's out on the blogerweb to follow and tweak to make your perfect sun mirror.
I have been oogiling and googiling some DIY design ideas for big wall spaces. After searching for what feels like a gazillion sites I kept coming across this...
The Sunburst Mirror. I decided this would be the perfect thing to take up space in our living room. We do not have anythign else like it in the house and who doesn't need a little mirror in their living room. There are probably a couple hundred different DIY's for this nifty little project. You can use wood, bamboo, shis-kabob sticks, dowle rods, or branches from fallen trees or any other straight something you find plenty of.
I found a great diy here from Isabella & Max that I got all my basic ideas from. I am horrible at following directions when it comes to craft projects and usually do my own method.
I went to Hobby Lobby for all my craft needs (not sure it was the cheapest way but I wanted to make it quick instead of shopping around for prices). I did hit the Hobs Lobs at SALE time so everything was half off.
My mirror was originally 24.99 on sale for 12.49 and my bamboo was 5.99 a bundle on sale for half so basically... buy one get one free right!
For asthetic purposes only (and because the BF thought it was cooler) I went with the green bamboo as opposed to plain tan. If I had been thinking I would not have done this. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't want to paint over it and that the green would look cool.. it did but the thought of having a big gold monstrosity was just too appealing and I ended up spray painting all my bamboo. I say it was a mistake to buy the green because I am sure I had to use more spray paint because of it :( I bought 6 bunches of bamboo for starting and then had go to back and buy two more. Now remember I am making a BIG sunburst mirror!
I did not document my process because it was a little sporatic but I LOVE the final product. It is just what was needed for our big empty wall! There are million DIY's out on the blogerweb to follow and tweak to make your perfect sun mirror.
lyrics for the moment
You must
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own
I know I'm not strong enough to be
everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us
Well, maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up
Cause when I'm finally
Finally at rock bottom
Well, that's when I start looking up
And reaching out
I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Song and lyrics by Matthew West.
He is Strong Enough
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own
I know I'm not strong enough to be
everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us
Well, maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up
Cause when I'm finally
Finally at rock bottom
Well, that's when I start looking up
And reaching out
I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Song and lyrics by Matthew West.
He is Strong Enough
Path of Life
Keep walking with Me along the path I have chosen for you. Your desire to live close to Me is a delight to My heart. I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not My way for you. Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain. The journey is arduous at times, and you are weak. Someday you will dance lightfooted on the high peaks; but for now, your walk is often plodding and heavy. All I require of you iw to take the next step, clinging to My hand for strength and direction. Though the path is difficult and the scenery dull at the moment, there are sparkling suprises just around the bend. Stay on the path Ihave selected for you. It is truly the path of Life.
-Jesus Calling, July 14
looking for joy
the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation
This life is so full of uncertainty, full of regrets, lost moments, and fragile life. but there is also an immense amount of JOY to be had in or dailiy lives here on this planet.
It is no secret that life has been a bit of an ugly mess lately. There has been facing of looming devastation and the denial of grief in my life. I try to keep my "happy face" on for the most part but upon coming home I tend to break down. I don't want to talk about what is happening in life. I don't want to face the reality. I don't care. When I am home I want to simply be, just exist.
I have been called out several times over the fact that I have "changed." This I know.
I so yearn for the days of carefree existence when money wasn't a factor, when my mom was within walking distance, when relationships were less complicated. I yearn for when I could walk into a room and make my Grandy's face light up. I long for the times of simplicity. I want more than anything to go back to that.
I am trying really hard to find the Joy in life around me. To not take for granted life's simplicities still. To be present in this moment and not worrying about the next.
For most of my life I have had to grow up far quicker than those around me, I have had to face decisions that others have never faced. I do not regret any part of my life because I know that God has laid out my path and blessed it just for me and my traveling down.
Sometimes though I do get discouraged, I get frustrated, I get tired of it. Sometimes I lose sight of they Joy.
Today I am looking for it. I am looking past the negativity around me and am looking to God for his gift of Joy in my life.
For in all things... This to Shall Pass.
We are Lake People
Growing up we always spent our summer weekends on the Lake.
I am not sure when it started but I remember being extremely young camping out at the lake. We always went to Possum Kingdom Lake, which is between Abilene and Dallas. It was only about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away so it was the perfect weekend get away. My brothers and I would go with my mom and our family friend to the State Park for a couple weekends and then once a month go with my dad to the same place.
We started out sleeping in tents and play on the jet ski's, then we got a pop-up trailer and a boat, and eventually when we went with my mom would get a hotel on the other side of the lake and take the boat out during the days. I loved spending the weekends out on the lake. Not a Care in the world but how long you could hang on to that intertube. My mom used to make killer breakfast burritos and my dad would fix amazing home-made peach cobler on the fire pit.
We knew Possum Kingdom like the back of our hands we were there so much. Sometimes our cousins and aunts would come with us and that made it all the more fun! Neeley and I spent one summer traveling with a family friend and her boat going from one end of texas at Horseshoe bay on lake LBK to a lake up in Arkansas. We mastered the "Chariot" inter-tube that summer!
We started going to Lake Brownwood with my mom and Gary and staying at his lake house spending our afternoons playing on his boat and jet-skis.
All my summer memories growing up are from the lake! So many joyous times spent with family and friends on the water.
This past weekend I went was so excited to get to go to the lake for the first time this summer. Drew's brother has a boat and we decided to travel 2 hours to Ute Lake in New Mexico to take it out for a spin.
It was a weekend full of laughter, and a little screaming on the tube, jumping in the water when it got to hot, eating good food, playing horseshoes, relaxing and a little sunburning. Just what I neeeded on a weekend off!
I am not sure when it started but I remember being extremely young camping out at the lake. We always went to Possum Kingdom Lake, which is between Abilene and Dallas. It was only about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away so it was the perfect weekend get away. My brothers and I would go with my mom and our family friend to the State Park for a couple weekends and then once a month go with my dad to the same place.
We started out sleeping in tents and play on the jet ski's, then we got a pop-up trailer and a boat, and eventually when we went with my mom would get a hotel on the other side of the lake and take the boat out during the days. I loved spending the weekends out on the lake. Not a Care in the world but how long you could hang on to that intertube. My mom used to make killer breakfast burritos and my dad would fix amazing home-made peach cobler on the fire pit.
We knew Possum Kingdom like the back of our hands we were there so much. Sometimes our cousins and aunts would come with us and that made it all the more fun! Neeley and I spent one summer traveling with a family friend and her boat going from one end of texas at Horseshoe bay on lake LBK to a lake up in Arkansas. We mastered the "Chariot" inter-tube that summer!
We started going to Lake Brownwood with my mom and Gary and staying at his lake house spending our afternoons playing on his boat and jet-skis.
All my summer memories growing up are from the lake! So many joyous times spent with family and friends on the water.
This past weekend I went was so excited to get to go to the lake for the first time this summer. Drew's brother has a boat and we decided to travel 2 hours to Ute Lake in New Mexico to take it out for a spin.
It was a weekend full of laughter, and a little screaming on the tube, jumping in the water when it got to hot, eating good food, playing horseshoes, relaxing and a little sunburning. Just what I neeeded on a weekend off!
Photo Booth Props
Photo Booths have become a HUGE Hit in Wedding photography these days. People love to put on the faux mustaches, big lips, and whatever other disguises are available to make a cleverly unique keepsake for the bride and groom.
These are SUPER DUPER SIMPLE to do. And after talking to a bride whos wedding is coming up very soon I decided to jump in to the new phenomenon.
There are gazillion different ways to make these cute props. I decided foam paper from Hobbs Lobbs was going to be my method. I found several different templates by googling "mustache template" or "big lips templates." I simply traced around the template on the foam with an Xacto knife, one line of hot glue and attached the handle and BAM! I had some AMAZINGLY CUTE props for my wedding photos!!
I had to jump at the opportunity to have some of my dear family to test out my props upon completion. They were all naturals with the props and if only I had shot them with a real camera and not my iphone.
I did use the props at my last wedding and will hopefully be posting pics on my photography blog soon!!
4th of July
I have been in a headache comatose for the past two days so I apologize for the lack of posting.
The 4th of July was SO FUN despite that the city banned fireworks due to extremely high fire dangers.
We had all of our little gang over for a wonderful cookout including all the delicious American foods that are a MUST HAVE on this holiday from Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, chips and dips to Sausage filled jalapenos, bacon wrapped green beans, watermelon and topped off with My Mom's 5 Layer Delight. It was Perfection!
We climbed on the roof to watch the "laser show" that was substituting the fireworks this year. It was NOT impressive at all so we just chilled on the back porch instead.
I did manage to do one little crafty on my day off.
I had ordered a return address stamp from Etsy. I have been so excited for it to get here and last week it finally arrived from Costa Rica. The stamp came unmounted so I was debating for a week on what my best mounting option would be. I purchased some round wood blocks from Michael's with a cute little knob to top it off but it did not provide enough weight on the stamp :( So that was a bust!
I found a hockey puck laying around the office and decided it was the right weight and size for my stamp. So over the 4th of July I cutsied up my hockey puck and glued my new return address stamp to it.
I also completed a new yarn wreath for our front door last week. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I wanted something HAPPY and CHEERY for the summer time. I tend to be a black and greys with some browns kind of a girl so it has taken me a while to find the right colors.
While searching Hobby Lobby I found this great green/yellow for $1.22 a bundle. This was like music to my ears with all the other yarn bundles being $3-5 each. So I grabbed it and paired it with some purple fabric I had left over from a necklace. I made grey felt flowers because come on we can't have TOO much color on our front door and then suprised myself by adding some pink flowers scattered throughout. Turned out so cute!
May I just offer some advice if you are going to make your own fabric wreath?!
I have found that Michael's is the best place to find the yarn. They usually have huge bins with great colors on sale for .99 to a $1.29. I have also found that Hobby Lobby is the best place to find the actual wreath. They have the wooden wreaths, wrapped straw wreaths, and foam wreaths all for under $3.00. For fabrics I am partial to Joanns. The felt is about the same everywhere. Happy Crafting!
The 4th of July was SO FUN despite that the city banned fireworks due to extremely high fire dangers.
We had all of our little gang over for a wonderful cookout including all the delicious American foods that are a MUST HAVE on this holiday from Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, chips and dips to Sausage filled jalapenos, bacon wrapped green beans, watermelon and topped off with My Mom's 5 Layer Delight. It was Perfection!
We climbed on the roof to watch the "laser show" that was substituting the fireworks this year. It was NOT impressive at all so we just chilled on the back porch instead.
I did manage to do one little crafty on my day off.
I had ordered a return address stamp from Etsy. I have been so excited for it to get here and last week it finally arrived from Costa Rica. The stamp came unmounted so I was debating for a week on what my best mounting option would be. I purchased some round wood blocks from Michael's with a cute little knob to top it off but it did not provide enough weight on the stamp :( So that was a bust!
I found a hockey puck laying around the office and decided it was the right weight and size for my stamp. So over the 4th of July I cutsied up my hockey puck and glued my new return address stamp to it.
I also completed a new yarn wreath for our front door last week. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I wanted something HAPPY and CHEERY for the summer time. I tend to be a black and greys with some browns kind of a girl so it has taken me a while to find the right colors.
While searching Hobby Lobby I found this great green/yellow for $1.22 a bundle. This was like music to my ears with all the other yarn bundles being $3-5 each. So I grabbed it and paired it with some purple fabric I had left over from a necklace. I made grey felt flowers because come on we can't have TOO much color on our front door and then suprised myself by adding some pink flowers scattered throughout. Turned out so cute!
May I just offer some advice if you are going to make your own fabric wreath?!
I have found that Michael's is the best place to find the yarn. They usually have huge bins with great colors on sale for .99 to a $1.29. I have also found that Hobby Lobby is the best place to find the actual wreath. They have the wooden wreaths, wrapped straw wreaths, and foam wreaths all for under $3.00. For fabrics I am partial to Joanns. The felt is about the same everywhere. Happy Crafting!
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