
Squeakers for the squeaker

I have a problem... and no it is not that I have complete anxiety issues about the upcoming Royal Wedding... my problem is that it has been 6 days and I have been biting at the bits to do any sort of craft project

Luckily I had a perfect opportunity today. Peyton needed some new squeaky brown shoes cause the little runner blew her others out. They did not have any but the plain brown Mary Janes and I had a wonderful idea to spruce them up with some flowers.

Today after hitting up Tjmaxx AGAIN and Ross. I ran into Joanns to get some multi-functional colors to go with every outfit my little 18 month old niece owns... ok maybe not everyone but a lot of them. I got light pink, light green, soft yellow, and white.

Of course as soon as I put the trial pair on Peyton she tore them off and the dog started to eat them off the floor. So to say the least I am still trying to figure out how to "baby proof" them.

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