
Parenting skills

I have been a really bad mama lately. Drew has had his dog over at my house lately and when he comes over the boys just pretty much play outside all the time... all that to say I have neglected Cooper and feel horrible about it ever day. I keep thinking I need to take him for a walk in the beautiful weather, or let him ride with me to go run errands because he LOVES to stick his head out the window,

but lack of time or laziness has gotten the best of me and we haven't spent quality time together in a loooonnnggg while.

Tonight I brought him in to hang out with me while I was editing some photos and cleaning my computer and camera of all the clutter I have left on them.... and I started to snap some shots of him

as he was chewing on his bone... this is just about his and my favorite pasttime for him, aside from going for walks. I already admitted I am lazy and sorry for my lack of talking him on walks...

but he has gotten quite lazy himself. Seriously he couldn't even pick his head up to chew the bone. Sad and hilarious all at the same time.

He then decided to start posing for me... and he is so darn stinking cute I couldn't take it!

I caught him mid licking of the lips... no doubt getting ready for his close up.

He is priceless this one. I am going take him for a walk tomorrow for sure! He deserves it!

By the way... if you are a fan of Adele, her new album 21 is AMAZING, I am listening to it at this very moment. Rolling in the Deep is a favorite but love He wont go and her version of Lovesong!!

Laura Beth... this post was for you... I am sorry I have neglected lately and I hope that you enjoyed the Cooper update. And I know you already have the Adele cd. LOVE!

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