" GIVE UP THE ILLUSION that you deserve a problem-free life. Part of you is still hungering for the resolution of all difficulties. This is FALSE HOPE! As I told my disciples, in the world you will have trouble. Link your hope not to problem solving in this life but to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in Heaven. Instead of seeking perfection in a fallen world, pour your energy into seeking Me: the PERFECT ONE.
IT IS POSSIBLE to enjoy Me and glorify Me in the midst of adverse circumstances. In fact, My light shines most brightly through believers who trust Me in the dark. That kind of trust is supernatural: a production of My Indwelling Spirit. When things seem all wrong, trust Me ANYWAY."
Then I read John 16:33 and Psalm 112:7. I have never read a daily devotional that has hit me so hard every single day like this one has so far.
I sat and thought how arrogant of me to think that I do not deserve to face trials and stumbling blocks here on Earth. This world is not supposed to be easy because it is not meant for us to spend eternity here. I have never been one to long for Heaven, I always knew that is ultimately where I wanted to end up but never just longed to go there. Now I know what comfort and peace must be awaiting me there, not to mention being able to hug my Grandy again.
Through this time of trial which I know will get much harder I am going to make it my goal to EMBRACE LIFE. (That is State Farm's Life Insurance marketing slogan, that was on the video we watched this morning.) We were only promised today and have no clue what the future holds for us. So while we are here in this troubling world, it is up to us to make the absolute best out of each moment! Everyday we get to spend getting up and going to work, being with friends and family is a gift. I do not want to take a single second of that for granted!
Here are a few pics from this weekend celebrating some Birthdays!
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