
Where has the time gone?!

 (Photo taken at Norah's 3rd Birthday Party, it was Princess themed)

I cannot believe that I am sitting here in the middle of September already. This summer has flown by and thankfully I haven't even had to be counting down to school starting yet. It seems like the past few months have been full of unexpected events that have kept us on our toes. Drew had knee surgery in June that kept him down for a little while. It felt like we have battled sickness with Everett and Haven quite a bit this summer as well.

Haven has experienced several firsts this summer such as swimming in the lake and visiting Wonderland Park. She also got her first Emergency Room visit which was not something I would have liked to remember necessarily. I rushed her to the ER one night after she had come down with a high fever and started throwing up... I was sure it was Dry Drowning, I had read so much about lately. Haven and I sat in the ER for hours as they poked and prodded at her, it was torture for both of us. However my sweet girl snuggled with me all night and the next day as no one else could console her and that was magic to me. Luckily it wasn't dry drowning at all but just a virus. Haven has proved to be quite the little independent, stubborn girl as she has grown into the world around her. She has become fond of screaming to get her way and it can irritate everyone around her but then she smiles at you and covers her eyes making all around smile. Haven has also become keen on finding ways to irritate her brother and her favorite way to do this is to grab his favorite toys and wait for him to notice. This will cause an immediate chase around the house usually ending in screaming and crying from someone. Haven loves to dance to any music playing, her version of dancing is squatting at her knees and moving from side to side. She loves to eat anything and everything! She especially loves rice and chicken but can cause some serious damage with ravioli. Her favorite toys right now aside from her brothers, are books. She enjoys finding books and bringing them to me to read with her. Haven has taken to throwing things out of her crib when she is not ready to sleep and screaming until someone comes in to pick up her belongings again. Haven has also developed her climbing skills and has mastered climbing onto the kitchen table. Very nerve-racking. I first discovered this when Everett came running in while I was doing something in the other room to tell me that "Sissy in trouble." Sure enough I ran in to find my sweet girl sitting proudly atop middle of the kitchen table. Now we can't keep her on the floor. She finds chairs everywhere to climb. Haven's vocabulary consists of Mom, Mama, Dad, Dada, Bubba, Bobbee, Baby, Please, Hush, Uh Hu, Nana, Cheese, Sissy, and Shh.. For No she vigorously shakes her head from side to side!

As Everett grew out of infant hood and into toddler hood our dreams of a snugly baby vanished. We dreamt that with Haven's birth we would have a snugly baby forever... however she too has dashed our dreams. She has proven to not care to snuggle with her parents at all unless she is sick. With her strong-will Haven has started to throw some of the biggest temper tantrums we have ever witnessed. As we left church one morning and Haven walked off into the other direction she flung her body down against the tile like a fish to the complete astonishment of her Dad. Drew said he absolutely could not believe his daughter would act like that. This little flopping occurrence has become quite a regular routine when Haven doesn't get her way and it has proved for some serious discipline coming her way. To our relief though we discovered that she doesn't act this way when in the care of other's. In fact the church nursery teachers have told us that Haven hugs on their legs and clings to them the whole time she is in there. Every time we drop her off she walks right in through the gates all by herself. It is bitter sweet to see our baby grow up so quickly and become so independent. Everett also enjoys going to the church classes and has come home singing Jesus Loves Me and This Little Light of Mine. It is the absolute best thing to hear him singing these songs. He has picked out songs on the radio with these lyrics and now asks to hear the "Jesus Song" which is I Want to Go Back by David Dunn.

I feel as though Everett has grown leaps and bounds over the past few months. When I look at him I see a little teenager and not my baby faced toddler. After multiple attempts at trying to potty-train we had a successful two-week run of it and then he told me he did not want to potty. So for his sake and my sanity we have taken a little break from it.  Everett continually proves that he will do things in his own time and not on my schedule. He remains to be such a Momma's Boy which I take secret pride in! He is incredibly sensitive like his Mom taking everything very personally. Everett has recently taken to telling me "Mom you handsome" which he has heard me tell him countless times. I have tried to explain the difference between telling a boy he is handsome and a girl she is pretty but this only resulted in Everett saying "Sissy is pretty" and "Mom is handsome." A compliment I will cherish forever! Everett wakes up early in the morning and will spend his morning laying in my bed while I watch the news. He is insanely protective of his sister, until she crosses him by taking his dinosaur toys. He tells me all the time to "talk to sissy" if she is acting out and he doesn't approve of her behavior. Everett loves to call out the colors he sees around him and count things. We are still working on our alphabet but he will decide to learn it when he wants to and not any sooner. Everett continues to love all things animal related. We have bought up every little animal figure that comes into our path. He loves to show how he can make the noises for each animal and if I am not sure how it sounds then we look it up. His fascination with dinosaurs has not relented in the least. We still must call all dinosaurs by their technical name. If Drew or I try to throw out a random name for a dinosaur we are not 100% sure about he will correct us. Everett is just the absolute sweetest boy in the world. He adores going to his Gran-Nana's house to play. He enjoys telling his Nana about what he is watching or show her a new toy he has gotten when we take her for rides. He recently told me his best friend is his cousin Norah and it was the sweetest thing ever!

It amazes me how two children can be from the same parents and yet so very different. Everett is cautious, Haven runs head first into everything.  Haven is me with Drew's skin tone, Everett is a little Drew with my pale skin and Blanton colored hair.  Haven is quick to anger and hot tempered like her Dad can be (Never her Mom), Everett is impatient and likes instant satisfaction like his Mom. They have started giving hugs and kisses to one another on their own and it is the sweetest ever! I am so grateful for the love they share and the Joy they have brought to our lives! I am such a proud Mom!

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