
One Month Old!

It is hard to believe that Haven has already been apart of our lives for one month now! In a way it feels like no time at all has passed and yet we can't seem to remember what life was like before her. Haven has filled a hole in our family we didn't know existed and can't live without!

Haven is truly a sweet baby! She loves to be swaddled and held. Likes to have her bottom patted to help get her to sleep. She has really enjoyed the vibration of Everett's old bouncer chair and not the movement of the fancy new swing we got her. She has slept through the night twice which has her mom completely delighted! She is nursing every 4 hours like a champ! Haven has not been a fan riding in her car seat which has made getting out a slight challenge, however she is slowly getting used to it. She prefers to listen to Zac Brown when she is fussy much like Everett did and to the delight of her Dad! Sadly Coldplay hasn't had the same effect on her yet.

Haven has proven from the womb she will be different from your big brother. She is full of her own surprises which has included holding her head up early but the biggest surprise was rolling over at 3 weeks old!! It completely freaked us out but she has continued to perfect this movement every time she lays on her ! 

At her two week check up Haven had already grown quite a bit, weighing 7 lbs. 3.5 oz. and was 21 inches long. Her heart continued to beat in a completely normal rhythm! At a follow up cardiologist appointment two weeks later Haven 7 lbs. 15 oz.

Haven has been to Target a few times and made her debut at church twice. We get comments all the time about what a beautiful baby she is and we completely agree! 

Haven you have captured our hearts in a way we never knew possible! We love you madly beautiful girl!!

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