
8 Months of Haven's Joy

Oh my sweet beautiful girl how are you 8 months old (and two weeks but whose counting)??

Haven you are in to EVERYTHING! You have discovered drawers, cabinets, doors that I never thought would be an issue at this age. If you can get your hands on it then you grab it and put it straight in your mouth. You have successfully un-decorated the bottom of our tree twice!

You are on the move Sissy. Nothing can keep you still for long except your evening bottle. Otherwise you are squirming or crawling all over the house! You can always find me in the house in record time cruising on your hands and knees. With the new mobility you are finding lots of fun new toys your brother had previously kept out of reach and are loving getting to play with new fun things!

Haven you like to be where the commotion is and still can not stand an empty room. You particularly like to know that Mom is within eye sight of you and you are happy, If I leave a room you go into a dramatic meltdown. Other than these few cries and the ones you do when we don't get you a bottle fast enough you continue to be the happiest baby! I have carted you all over town, all over Nana's nursing home, all over store after store and you just ride and smile! When I make eye contact with you your whole face lights up and you let out a little giggle and it absolutely melts my heart.

"Dada" continues to be your first and only word and you love to just say it over and over and over again, rubbing it in my face. It is pretty sweet to hear you say that and your Dad just adores to hear it! You like to mumble a lot of other things as well but no other words have formed.

Haven you aren't drinking your full bottles right now which have still been 6 ounces every 4 -5 hours. We are giving you baby food and you are loving everything. We did discover that you have a peach allergy after you at them , twice, and both times your face immediately turned into red splotches. Your Dad let you try french fries while Mom was away for the day and he said you loved them!!

You are sleeping great at night right now! You love to snuggle your bunny stuffed animal we bought you the day you were born in the hospital. As soon as we lay you down  you immediately turn to the side or on your tummy with your bunny safe in your arms. It is really the sweetest thing! We are no longer using any form of sleep sacks and lay you down in your clothes with a blanket on top of you.

Haven you continue to get stronger and more agile every day as you make new discoveries. You are really sitting up on your own now and we are always worried about you hitting your head if you fall over. You are really good about catching yourself with your hands if you do fall over though!

Your brother becomes more smitten with you every day as he is discovering what a fun playmate you are. It is truly my absolute favorite thing to watch. He likes to go into your room in the morning at 6 am (way to early for me) and turn your lights on and wake you up. He then comes into me and says "Mama, Sissy up Pease" repeatedly until I come get you out of bed where then insists on giving you sugars on the head before I change your diaper.

Haven Molly it is safe to say we are all completely infatuated with you!! I love and adore you sweet girl!!


Alzheimer's Walk 2016

Last year we missed the Alzheimer's Association walk. I was a little overwhelmed with having just moved in with Mom and finding out I was pregnant. I didn't want to participate if we couldn't do it the best we could and ended up skipping the walk. This year was very different! I began thinking about the Walk months in advance. I knew that we would soon be facing changes with our living situation once again due to Mom's slipping farther into the holds of Alzheimer's. The walk meant something different to me this year. In the past my focus has been on representing a strong front for Mom, showing her that we stand with her and are fighting for her. Although this year all of that was very present for me I was also very aware of the fact that Mom isn't getting better. There will be no cure found in time to save her. That made it all the more important to me to help raise whatever awareness and money we could to help find a cure for the next victims. It could be me, my brothers or my children who find ourselves the next victims. Our world with Mom was so much out of our hands, her actions, her eating, her attitude, her movements that I was in a desperate need to do something.. anything to help fight Alzheimer's! I resurrected our Team Miles for Molly and was overwhelmed with the response and support we recieved. With the help family team members, especially Patrick we were able to raise the most money for Amarillo's walk. Our total came to $ , more than any other family team of cooperate team in the area. Although we were just happy for all the teams involved we were completely thrilled to have Miles for Molly announced as the top team and share the pride and love we have for our Mom. Not only were we humbled by the amount of money raised we were overwhelmed by the number of family members we had join us this year! We had our whole Amarillo crew including Nana, Aunt Tammy, Kelsey, Neeley, Lane, Norah and Merritt, Doss and Charlotte in addition to Drew, Everett, Haven and myself. Patrick and Taren drove in from Dallas. Pat, Paula, Stetson, Rebecca, Taylor, and their kids also came in from Ft. Worth. Cindy, Matt, Tenell and her boyfriend were there to join us as well! We had friends from church who love Mom come out to walk with our team. It was such a great time to bring awareness to this horrible disease that has claimed too many victims including my Hero. We had moved Mom into a nursing facility a few weeks before the walk. I was very emotional at the walk because I remembered it was just a few years ago that Mom stood up in front of the crowd holding a blue flower which represented someone living with Alzheimer's and vowed to fight this disease for all those suffering thinking of others and not of herself. I had hoped we could push Mom in a wheelchair this year, I knew she wouldn't have the energy to walk the whole way. When Patrick and Taren went to pick up Mom from her home she was very agitated and wouldn't leave with them so we decided it was better she just stay there. It was a heartbreaking decision for me, I desperately wanted her to be apart of this and to feel the love and support around her but ultimately it was the best decision for her. This year Patrick held the yellow flower which represented the caregiver because he has been such an incredible support for Mom and I though there have many miles between us. I am so grateful to everyone who participated with us this year either through donations or joining us in the walk. It was such an amazing year and time to rally and support my Mom!

Halloween 2016

We had two little dinosaurs that we took out Trick or Treating this year! If I do say so myself they are the CUTEST dinosaurs ever!! I had given Everett the option of "Buzz Lightyear" of Dinosaurs for Halloween and he choose Dinosaurs. I decided to take advantage of getting to dress the kids the same while I could so sweet Haven got to be a dinosaur too! Everett was a little nervous to trick or treat at first this year and wasn't too keen on walking up to stranger's houses even if it was for candy. He insisted on being carried and would eventually ROAR at the people giving out candy. After a while he got the confidence to walk up to the houses himself and immediately tried to consume his candy. We went out trick or treating with Lane, Neeley, Norah, and Merritt again this year pulling the Bigs along in the wagon from house to house and pushing the littles in the double stroller. Norah and Merritt were matching adorable kangaroos. Norah did really well trick or treating and was hand in hand with Mimi who joined us along with Kelsey and Aunt Cindy. Merritt and Haven kicked it in the stroller sleeping for the first part of the night and then just quietly and sweetly taking in the chaos around them. We started the night visiting Mom at her home and all the ladies loved to see the kids in costume even when Everett was roaring at them. Mom was a little overwhelmed by all the action so we didn't stay too long. From there we went to take the kids to see Doss and Charlotte, their neighbor Pat, and finally Grand- Nana. The kids got lots of little treats and we could have stopped there but Mom and Dad wanted some more candy. The night was long and we finished with a family dinner back at Grand-Nanas. Overall it was a successful trick or treating for everyone involved and a fun night full of memories!

We took the kids up to the local park to take their costume pictures. It was a little hectic but we managed to get some keepers in the end. This has been one of my most favorite traditions with Everett and I was so excited to get to have Haven join in on this. I love looking back at the costume pictures over the past two years of Everett and seeing how much he has grown and changed. Through it all our trusty Meyer bear has been with him!

The week before Halloween we coordinated the kids and took them to the pumpkin patch for our annual Fall Pumpkin photos. I looked back over these and couldn't believe we have two precious babies that we have been entrusted with. They are the most precious sweetest kids ever! I could seriously spend my whole day giving them sugars!

Happy Girl is 7 months old

Beautiful Precious Haven... you are 7 months old! You are THE HAPPIEST BABY EVER!

Haven my love you are such a joy! You cry only when you are hungry or I walk out of the room where you are. Two very good reasons to cry if you ask me. Other than the occasional boo boo you get you are always smiling. You are a source of sunshine to all who are around you!

You are sitting up now on your own! You are also crawling like a maniac so you don't like to stay sitting for long. You are quickly moving from one room to the next on your hands and knees chasing the action around you. Nothing can stop you now little girl!

Haven you are so sweet and love to go on errands with your Mom and brother! You really like going to visit Nana at the nursing home. I put you in the umbrella stroller and you just chill while Everett pushes you around as we walk with Nana. When we stay for a meal you sit calmly and quietly playing with your keys or another teething toy. You and Everett bring so much delight to the sweet people there, especially your Nana. Everyone is so amazed at how well behaved you are the entire time we are there.

Haven you are sleeping 3 hour naps during the afternoon and still going to bed between 8:30-9 pm. You wake up occasionally for a bottle in the night but sometimes sleep in till 9 am. Your nights are really unpredictable. You like to tap your foot while waiting on someone to come get you from your crib or really any time you are just waiting. It is pretty hysterical and cute to watch you just tapping your foot away! You love to put any and everything in your mouth. Your two front bottom teeth have come in and are sharp! You are enjoying munching on disovable foods when you aren't eating baby food. You still are loving to eat baby food and have really liked everything you have tried so far!

Haven we are so in love with you and love to watch you grow and learn each and every day!!


Haven Molly's 6 month update

My Precious Haven how is it you are already 6 months old?!? My darling girl you are an absolute angel!

Haven we thought we struck Gold when we got your brother and experienced the most content, happy and delightful baby ever... well God has beyond blessed us and we have struck Gold twice because you may be more happy and more content than even Everett was. Something we never thought possible! You did reign a little terror in your first few months but we will chalk that up to just being a girl.

Your 6 month update is coming a little late because we have just experienced some big changes in our life. For  your whole existence to this point we have lived in a house with your Nana. She loved to come marvel at the beauty that you are. She loved to come coo at you while you sat in your bouncy chair or your exersaucer. She deeply loves you sweet one. Her disease has progressed and we just recently moved her into a memory care unit where she can get better care, this meant we also needed to move and we have just moved into the second house  you would live in (your brother's third). You have not let this change mess you up one itsy bit. You are actually sleeping better at the new house than  you were before. The new house is all hardwood in the living areas allowing you to master your new skill of rolling around in the walker. You just scoot from one end of the house to the next following me as I do chores in each room.

Haven after what felt like months and months of you teething you are finally cutting your first tooth. It is on the bottom right side of your gums. You have been more fussy than usual and wanting more snuggles with Mom but that is just fine by me! You are really enjoying to chew on anything you can get your hands on. You have also become quite handsy and grab at everything. You have gotten into cabinets, pulled down lamps, and yanked on my glasses and that was just in one day! You are really loving to explore the world around you and get your hands and mouth on everything  you can.

Eating is such a fun thing to you sweet Haven. You have really liked eating everything you have tried so far... squash, sweet potatoes and peaches were favorites. You cleaned up your green beans but gave a little shiver of disgust after each bite. This didn't stop you because you were quickly trying to get the next bite. You were not at all a fan of bananas. You are still taking a bottle of formula every 4-5 hours. During the day it is 6 ounces and for your last bottle at 9 pm it is 8 ounces. I am so excited that you have learned how to consistently hold your bottle on your own! This is huge win for us and gives me time to do things while you are drinking, at night though I still like to hold you and rock you while you eat!

You started rolling over in your 6th month and therefore we had to move you out of your swaddle sack. I tried to have you sleep without anything for a few nights and after you being up every hour we got you a  sleep sack that allows your arms to be out while the rest of your body is zipped in a blanket. This was just what you needed because that night you slept soundly through the night again!

Haven your brother is your biggest fan! He wakes up in the morning asking "where sissy?" I am not sure he knows your name because we always refer to you as sissy. He usually wakes before you in the mornings and I have to persuade him to not go in and wake you up. If he ever disappears for a minute I can hear him talking to you in your crib. He will then run to me and say "pease Mama pease Sissy pease!" then he grabs my hand and drags me to get you out. He shares his toys with you and has tried to share dough nut holes and goldfish with you. Any person who comes up to us he immediately says "sissy" and points to you so everyone knows you are his sissy! It melts my heart! He adores you just the like rest of us!!

At your 6 month wellness check-up with Dr. Fletcher you weighed 17 lbs 11.5 ounces, your head was 17 1/4 and  your height was 26 1/2 inches putting you in the 50-75 % for both height and weight. He said you were absolutely perfect and advanced in your development!

Haven Molly we are madly in love with you and the joy you bring to our home! We could not be more proud to be your parents and have the gift of raising you and watching you grow and learn each day!


I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. I miss you both emotionally and physically. Yesterday we moved you to Heartis Memory Care center and it was truly the hardest thing I have faced yet. I hate seeing your empty room next to mine with all of your stuff gone. I am trying to trick my mind into thinking it is temporary. That we just moved you into a dorm room for college or away for summer camp because the truth is too hard for me to swallow. My heart feels like there has been a goodbye between us and I can not bear it. I have thought about what this Earth would be like without you. Even though so much of you is already gone I can still see you, hug you, kiss you. I can't face the thought of existing without and yet I know that is inevitable. They have recommended that we give you time to adjust to your new surroundings. A week away. It feels like a form of torture. I just want to drive up there and crawl into bed with you. I want you to know that this decision was not an easy one although I am sure if you could you would have insisted on it a long time ago. Patrick and I searched long and hard for the perfect place for you. We felt like God placed this one right in our laps. I know that God is covering you and protecting you... he commands us to release loved ones into his care but it is very hard for me to relinquish that. For the past  year we have lived together and I have managed your daily care. Sometimes it was so hard and sometimes I wanted to run away but I was always honored to be the one to care for you. Always! I have watched as you loved on Everett and eventually Haven in the best way you could. You and Everett developed the most incredible bond and I pray he will remember and cherish that the rest of his life. I am so thankful for the experience of the last year and what it has taught me. I found courage I never knew I had.  It showed me the strength and love my husband has for me and more importantly you. I am honored to give you a touch of the care you gave me as a single mom all those years. I pray you always know the love I have for you. The last few days in the house together you weren't very verbal. Walked with your head down. I cried every single day about losing you. But I would tell you constantly that I loved you and you more often than not would always say, "I love you." Hearing you say those words gave me more comfort than you know. The day we moved you, you started lifting your head again and being more verbal. I think that this was God's way of making it easier for me to release you to a new caretaker. He gave me such peace yesterday as we moved you and I only teared up a few times. It in know way made me less sad but was God's presence in our situation knowing that he can care for you and protect you way more than I can. Mom I cannot wait for the day we are united in Heaven together. I can't wait to hear what you really think of my sweet babies and the tips you would have given me in raising them. But more importantly I want you to tell me you are proud of me and approve of the decisions we made for you. That will be an amazing day. Words cannot describe my love for you. You are my hero. The most courageous woman I know, the strongest woman I know. I am beyond honored to be your daughter!



Haven's 5 Month Update

I feel like I literally just posted about Haven's 4 month update... guess that's what happens when you do a monthly update 2 weeks late. With another month having passed this sweet girl is continuing to show the most delightful personality!! Our girl is Happy Happy Happy! Haven wakes with a smile, burps with a smile, spits up with a smile, and watches the world around her with a smile. It is the sweetest little gummiest smile ever.

We have tried Haven on a few solid foods as suggested by the Doctor at her last appointments. She is not interested one bit. We have tried Bananas and Apples and she spits them all out. She is also drinking some rice cereal in her formula and does OK with it. We are STILL taking 6 ounces every 4 hours. I am really hoping to stretch out to 5 hours soon.

Haven has officially been moved to her crib and is sleeping like a champ! After her last bottle at 10 PM we put her in a sleep sack and lay her down. She has been sleeping until 7:30 in the morning. I am one happy Mama! She usually takes a nap in her crib and sleep sack in the afternoon as well for 2 - 2.5 hours. This is about the same time Everett goes down every day so Mama gets a little bit of a break.

Dad bought Haven a cute little exersaucer since we sold Everett's when he grew out of it. She is absolutely loving getting to stand up while supported and play with some toys. There is a little cake it that stacks and she loves to knock it over. Haven is really getting good at grabbing things with her hands. The favorite thing she grabs is take her paci in and out of her mouth. She also loves to hold my fingers with her little hands. If Haven is not in her exersaucer she can be found laying on the floor on a play mat or snuggled up in her parent's arms.

Haven is continuing to find her voice and is beginning to laugh a bit. It is the sweetest little laugh! She laughs the most when we swing her a bit... the fast movement makes her so happy. She has also discovered her feet. She loves to hold her feet up and try to put them in her mouth, especially when getting her diaper changed which makes it all the easier for the person changing her diaper. Haven also loves to chew on everything including hands.

Haven Molly you continue to bring absolute Joy to everyone around you! I love to hang on to you a little longer before putting you down because these days are going way to quickly. I hope that will snuggle with me forever. We love and adore you sweet sweet angel!!


Everett's 2 and half year update

Sweet Darling Everett... you are a constant bright spot! I am amazed at how quickly you have grown and figured things out in this big world around you. You are absolutely hysterical and have mastered getting your Dad and I wrapped around your little finger.

You are a truly sweet boy. You have the kindest little heart with a soft spot for your Nana. I love watching you look after her. You always make sure she is included in whatever is going on and guide her around the house by the hand. You most recently took her hand while leaving church and led her out to the car. I was following behind you as you guided her across the street and to the front seat where you pointed and in your own talk told her to get in and sit down. You make her smile every morning as you run in the kitchen where she is eating and yell "Hi" quickly followed by a kiss and hug. You often feel it is needed to come supervise as I change her into her pj's and put her to bed, you pat the bed for her to get in. Yall have a very special connection of your own and it means so much to me. You have such a heart of compassion already for those in need around you. I know God will continue to develop this gift in you and have no doubt you will do great things with it one day.

 You have a fan club everywhere we go, people continue to gawk over how cute you are and you quickly appease them with some form of entertainment. When you walk into church I can always hear people mumbling to one another about how precious you are. We recently had an acapella performance at the end of church service and you danced through it all. Very quickly the entire congregation was watching you and not the performers. You make everyone around you smile!  It makes this Mama very proud! You are a true showman and love to be the center of attention. You have learned to share a little of the spotlight with your sister though. You like to dote on her, always at the ready with a paci or "pass" as you call them. The minute she starts to cry you come get me to tend to her needs. In the mornings while I am getting Nana breakfast you sometimes disappear and I find you looking over your sister, who was asleep, and you are talking to her or gently patting her. You are one proud big brother! You like to hold her hand in the car or lie down beside her when she is on the floor.

You have gone from calling me "mama" to "mom" to "Mom Mom" to "Mommy" sometimes changing daily.  Each one of them melts my heart. You listen to me call out "Mom... Mom" to my Mom (your Nana) and have picked up on that. You have recently moved on from falling your Dad "daa" to "Daddy." I am not sure where you got Mommy and Daddy from but it is adorable! Anytime we go somewhere you say "Hi" and then proceed to point out "Mom" "Daa" and then your Nana and Sister neither of which are quite understandable yet. You are using your words a lot more now and very little cave man talk. It is so fun to teach you words and have you repeat them back to me. You do still love to "roar" at anyone willing to to listen and even those who aren't.

We converted your crib to a toddler bed and I was initially worried about how you would do with more freedom. The very first night you ran and jumped on your bed, laid down and never got out sleeping through the night. You proved that like every sleep transition you have been through you are a champ and continue to sleep through the night. We once caught you in the video monitor getting a dinosaur toy when you were supposed to be in bed. Your dad talked to you through the monitor and you jumped at lightening speed back into bed. You have continued to do amazing and just sit in the bed until we come and get you in the morning. Every time someone came over you took them to your bed and had them sit down, you clearly were very proud of your new bed. We just recently moved you into your very own "big big boy" bed, a queen. You were not too sure about this move at first and cried initially upon being put in it. I laid with you for a while and you continued to sob into my shirt. Dad finally convinced me the only way to get you to stop was if I left you alone in there... so I walked out and began to cry myself. You, however quit crying almost immediately and went off into an uninterrupted night of sleep. You have loved your new bed ever since and  love sleeping it in. We tried you out on a pallet on the floor in our room this past weekend while Uncle Patrick was in town. I was nervous about how you would react sleeping in our room, something you have NEVER done. You went and laid right down with your special blanket and Meyer and slept through the night until early in the morning when you climbed into bed with me. It was the first time you have ever slept in our bed, you are too fond of you own which is so much like your Mama. I loved getting to hold you as you slept again. But as soon as you could you moved right back to your big bed. 

You are very interested in the world around you and like to explore. The kitchen is a favorite place of yours to be especially when Mom is cooking. You like to help me mix and stir things. Everett you are finally really loving books but you don't like to sit through the whole thing being read to you. You are also enjoying cars, blocks and dinosaurs still. Most days your arms are full of your friends because you never want to leave one behind. Your favorites right now are Buzz, Woody, T-rex, and of course Meyer who you do not go anywhere without.

Everett you enjoy watching movies. Your favorites are Toy Story 1, 2 &3. The Jungle Book, Finding Nemo and Ice Age. Your Dad and I took you on a date to see Finding Dory a few weeks ago. We needed a little time with our firstborn and you needed some one on one time with your parents. It was your first time to see a movie in the theatre and we were not to sure about how you would do. You sat between us in a booster seat and loved the experience! You dug both hands into the bucket of popcorn and oohhed and aahhed at the previews. When the movie came on you sat quietly in fascination and watched the big screen before you. Towards then end of the movie you got tired and moved every few minutes from Dad's lap to the chair but never made much noise. We were so proud of you and had such a fun day with you! After wards we took you to get your first fitted Texas Ranger's hat so that you could match your Dad.

Everett you love to play at the park. We have one a few blocks from the house that we walk to. You quickly graduated yourself from the little kids slide to the big slide and haven't looked back! You love to go down it over and over again. Your Dad taught you how to climb back up the slide and now that is a new favorite thing to do.  You also love to swing and go as high as you can. You are big helper and love to help Mom with the laundry by putting clothes into the dryer for me. Recently  you discovered the joys of sweeping and push the broom around the house when I am finished with it. 

You love to eat snacks but not much of a real meal. Your Dad is concerned you will be a vegetarian which shatters his dreams of smoking out meat with you when you are older. I am assuring him it is just the toddler phase you are going through. Your favorite foods to eat are apple sauce, oatmeal, mandarin oranges and string cheese. You will not touch any food with a sauce on it such as spaghetti or lasagna. You have completely surprised us and eaten broccoli florets and carrot sticks. I am sure this is some freak stage you are going through and won't eat them in a month.

Everett you love to watch out the window for your Dad to come home. As soon as you see his car you run the door leading in from the garage and excitedly wait, sometimes you cant contain your excitement and totally spazz. However the moment you Dad comes in you yell "Daaa" and take of running. You discovered it is funner to have him chase you down for a kiss hello than just stand there and give it to him. You love to wrestle with him and climb on his back. After Nana goes to bed and Haven is down for a nap the three of us play together. You love it when your Dad acts like a gorilla, which is he surprisingly good at, and he chases you as you run to me and we hide under the blanket together until enough time has passed for you go to poke the gorilla again. These sweet moments of your pure joy playing with your parents make us so happy!

You are pretty keen on your Mama. We are the best of buds and It secretly makes me happy at times when you want no one but me. I was recently under the weather, laying in bed and you would come lay next to me and pat me on the arm or head. I can't get enough of your kisses. You have the sweetest puffiest little lips. I love the way your little hand fits in mine. We recently took a road trip to visit your Aunt Carrie 45 min away and every 5 sec. you were saying "Mommy" and then whatever you wanted me to do or look at. Your Dad was sitting right beside me but you continued to call out to me. It was both annoying and precious at the same time!!

Everett words cannot describe how much we adore you! You are the absolute sunshine in our day and we are blessed beyond measure to be your parents!! I am excited to watch as you continued to grow and learn and watch as your personality continues to develop and shine!!