
Happy Girl is 7 months old

Beautiful Precious Haven... you are 7 months old! You are THE HAPPIEST BABY EVER!

Haven my love you are such a joy! You cry only when you are hungry or I walk out of the room where you are. Two very good reasons to cry if you ask me. Other than the occasional boo boo you get you are always smiling. You are a source of sunshine to all who are around you!

You are sitting up now on your own! You are also crawling like a maniac so you don't like to stay sitting for long. You are quickly moving from one room to the next on your hands and knees chasing the action around you. Nothing can stop you now little girl!

Haven you are so sweet and love to go on errands with your Mom and brother! You really like going to visit Nana at the nursing home. I put you in the umbrella stroller and you just chill while Everett pushes you around as we walk with Nana. When we stay for a meal you sit calmly and quietly playing with your keys or another teething toy. You and Everett bring so much delight to the sweet people there, especially your Nana. Everyone is so amazed at how well behaved you are the entire time we are there.

Haven you are sleeping 3 hour naps during the afternoon and still going to bed between 8:30-9 pm. You wake up occasionally for a bottle in the night but sometimes sleep in till 9 am. Your nights are really unpredictable. You like to tap your foot while waiting on someone to come get you from your crib or really any time you are just waiting. It is pretty hysterical and cute to watch you just tapping your foot away! You love to put any and everything in your mouth. Your two front bottom teeth have come in and are sharp! You are enjoying munching on disovable foods when you aren't eating baby food. You still are loving to eat baby food and have really liked everything you have tried so far!

Haven we are so in love with you and love to watch you grow and learn each and every day!!

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