
Everett's 5 Month Update

Well our sweet baby boy turned 5 months old two weeks ago...whoops! We have spent the last week nursing him back to health as he came down with Cdiff last week. He became extremely cranky, very very unlike him, and then he had diarrhea for two days and then I spotted blood in it. Needless to say I had a little new mommy meltdown. Sweet Boy is slowly getting better with the help of antibiotics and I will go back Friday to have him tested again.

While we were at the Doctor, Everett weighed in at 19 lbs. exactly! Big Boy!

Everything goes to his mouth, everything! We have given him apples, bananas, carrots, and squash and he has began to really enjoy eating real food. However he was not a fan of his Momma's homemade carrots. He has also tasted Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream, thanks to his Mimi. As well as an Animal Cracker to chew on.

Everett has discovered his toes and anytime he is laying flat immediately brings his legs up to his mouth to find his toes.

He has rolled over a few more times in the past month. He has sat up once or twice on his own and is learning to scoot on his belly on the floor. 

He is wearing 9-12 month onesies with some 12-18 in there for his length. Baby boy has quite the belly so his shorts are up to 24 months!

I am trying to ween him off his midnight bottle although him being sick has set us back some. I truly believe one day he will sleep through the night! Am I crazy?! Right now we still wrap Everett in a sleep sack to sleep.

Everett officially has two front bottom teeth, and they are sharp!

He is learning to use his voice more and more and discovering making all sorts of crazy sounds. It is pretty fun to listen to and join in with him.

Overall this boy is growing like a weed and keeping our hearts wrapped around his little fingers.

We love you Everett Tristan and are ever so thankful for the opportunity to be your parents! You are making this job easy and an absolute JOY!

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