
30 Weeks

It feels like this pregnancy has flown by and yet dragged on.

Everett is kicking up a storm these days although he tends to get stage fright when someone besides his mom tries to feel his movements.

You are most active in the mornings although sometimes he likes to get really kicked up in the late afternoons.

Your Dad upgraded our car situation after some trouble with our current ride (which was only 5 months old to us). He deemed it unfit for Mom or Everett and showed up at work with a real family car, but thankfully not a van!

Everynight while trying to drift off to sleep we are talk about what life will be like with you in our home. What our days will consist of, our new schedules, our new priorities. I think the dogs are getting nervous. Everynight your Dad talks to you and tells you how much he can't wait for you to be with us. He is so excited to hold you and tickle you and make you laugh.

I have had some nightmares about you being born with a full beard. Please don't do that to me!

I get up between 2:45- 3:30am to go to the bathroom and then can't get back to sleep for a good hour- hour and a half. I am sure this is my body preparing me for the sleepless nights to come in less than 2 months.

So far this pregnancy has been uneventful and the most incredible time of my life! Truly God's finesst miracle at work and I am his vessel!

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