Today we got to hear Baby Neal's heartbeat for the first time.... Magic!!
Drew and I were in Dallas over the weekend taking some time away and celebrating his birthday. Saturday morning as we were leaving downtown Dallas we were involved in an accident. The other car hit our rear tire and we were both buckled in but very scary. Our car was left in Dallas since it was not driveable. I didn't suffer any hits to my abdomen and after talking with the EMT's we all mutually decided I was ok to wait and get home to see my Dr. in Amarillo.
Now I will be the first to admit I can be a hypocondriach but I started having severe cramping in my pelvic area coupled with some severe back pain I had been having for quite some time. After taking Tylenol and the pain not fully subsiding by the time we made it back to Amarillo on Monday I began to do the thing you NEVER do, especially while pregnant... Googling symptoms. As soon as I saw these symptoms on a list of possible signs of miscarriage Drew and I were out the door headed to the ER. I thought on our way there to call my Dr. even though it was after hours. She promptly called me back and said to wait and just come in to her first thing this morning. Last night waiting for that appointment was the longest and scariest yet. I was praying fervently that our little one would be safe.
Once at the Dr. she began to use the doppler to find the heartbeat. After minutes of searching and only finding my own heartbeat the look of concern on the Dr.'s face caused tears to roll down my cheeks. I couldn't bear to look at Drew. Finally off to my right side and higher than normal there was our little one with a strong steady heartbeat! Relief and Praise were being shouted out in my head. Drew released a huge breath of air and the stress we had been holding onto.
It is such a surreal feeling to feel so lost and upset about the thought of losing something I have yet to actually touch. The thought of life without you little bug was overwhelming me as we are already making plans for our lives together once you come into this world. Our love for your is growing beyond what we could even imagine and you are only the size of a bell pepper. What a blessing you are to us already!
October 4th we will find out if you are a HE or a SHE although we are already guessing you are one over the other!!
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