
A movie night where noone watched the movie

The past week had been funny. Just full of randomness. Tired days. Confusion. Just Funny!

Last night Drew and I went over to Mom and Nana's after work. I picked up Rosas' Taco Tuesday for dinner, although only two people actually ordered tacos. Nana was sent home from the hospital to recover. She was taken off her coumadin medicine which keeps her blood thinned to prevent blood clots. Basically the Dr.'s advice was if we keep her on coumadin she could bleed out, if we take her off she could have a stroke. Apparently a stroke was decided to be the lesser of two evils. Since coming home Aunt Tammy and Kelsey have been taking care of Mom and Nana nonstop so last night was a good time for them to take a little break.

Anyway I picked up Argo to watch after dinner. Great movie! Wonderful story! Nana had wanted to see it and I thought last night was the perfect time. Well it wasn't two minutes into that I remembered how much cursing there is in the movie specifically the F bomb used constantly! I cringed each time it was said. I couldn't look over her direction for fear I would get called out for liking a movie with such foul language. Suprisingly nothing was said and we rolled right on by the first couple of scenes. Eventually I looked over at Nana and saw she had already fallen asleep.

Mom was sitting on the opposite couch making exgagerated head movements toward Nana to make sure I realized she was alseep. Yes, I get it! I half-way considered just turning off the movie and us heading home but was honestly too tired to get up to do even that. So there we sat, Nana sleeping, Mom not paying attention at all, Drew zoning in and out between words with friends games, and me.

Fun Family Night!! These times we will remember forever!

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