
Counting Thursdays

Currently I feel as though I am measuring my weeks based on Thursdays. It is the start to a new week for me because every Thursday marks another week of growth for our little bug.

Yesterday on the start to our 13th week we visited the Dr.

Everything looks right on schedule. Our OB tried to used the doppler to find our bugs' heartbeat and after several minutes with no luck she brought in the sono machine. I had my heart in my throat at this point. As soon as the sono was on little one popped up on the screen flipping around and moving up a storm. All was well!

Each day I am amazed at the blessing that is growing inside of me and what this life means to not only Drew and I but our families.  My Mom is beside herself and extremely protective already of her newest grandchild, no jumping, no quick movements, no spazzing out, quiet voices!

Drew and I are excited to learn each week the new developments in our baby. Eye lids closing, beginning to pee, full circulatory system. We were especially excited when our little bug lost it's tail!

I am working on tappering off my listening to a very loud Jay-Z in the car because I am sure that is not what I want my baby to be hearing when he/she does begin hearing noises from the outside world.

With each week we are treading into new territory. Next week marks the end of the first trimester and by 17-20 weeks hopefully we can find out the gender of this little bug!

On my recent visit to Abilene I got to spend some time with a very special lady, Whitney's Grandmother Polly Hilbert or as she is more commmanly known... Mimi. I have known Polly since before Whitney and I were even friends. She was the lady you definitely wanted to be in good graces with at church and I somehow was. Love this woman!

Mimi came in from bed after the dog woke her up to entertain us all.

Polly is 93 now, the age Grandy would be, and has some memory problems but is as spunky as ever. We were discussing the fact that I was pregnant and she wanted to know what I was having... "I don't know yet Mimi it is still too soon." Well that was not good enough for her. She proceeded to ask me how many girls were in my family, "Well we have  alot of girls in our family." OK she said then how many boys, " Oh well not as many boys." She said well then I think it is a boy. Not the most scientific fact gathering but since she and Nana are the two that have now predicted it is going to be a boy then I think there is something to it! Polly then said, " well lets name it!" Ohh ok well what should I name this boy? Nevermind needing Drew's imput or approval. Polly sat back for a long while obviously thinking very hard about her answer. "Abraham Lincoln! That is the name, the greatest man in history who saved so many people and was an honest man. Abraham Lincoln should be his name!"

Who can argue with a statement like that, I haven't broken the news to Drew that if it is a boy he will be called Abraham Lincoln quite yet!

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