
Wedding Week: Part 4

With Nana safely tucked in our suite with her oxygen my mind was able to being focusing on what we were all in Sana Fe for... Drew and I  were getting MARRIED!

The Friday night rehearsal was fastly approaching and the out of town guests were arriving in droves. I escaped from sitting on the patio with Colton and Bailey to get myself ready for the nights events. With my makeup done, my tshirt, shorts, and houseshoes on Drew drug me across the resort to greet his Dad and Step-mom. I was wanting so badly to look like a put together bride but I fear I came off a bit, umm homeless shall we say? After showing them around for a few minutes I scurried off to finish putting myself together.

I had two dresses to choose from and ended up going with a black and white color block fitted dress. Comfortable and Flattering.

Our rehearsal was set to begin at promptly 5:00 and when I arrived on the lawn for it there were a ton of people all ready. It was a bit overwhelming and very exciting! We got things started with a prayer before David our wedding planner kickstarted our rehearsal. I kept looking around at all the people so happy to have everyone I loved in one place together.

Coordinating a wedding party for rehearsal is hard. I have experienced this from Starlight. People don't listen, people are distracted, people don't care! The boys are always the hardest to wrangle in.

My brothers were serving as escorts for guests and also walking me down the aisle. This proved to be a little overwhelming for Ryan during rehearsal. I remember what it felt like when Neeley was getting married, overwhelming, immense emotions, excitement, joy but knowing things were changing and not sure how, being so proud to see your sister make this move, uncontrolable tears. Ryan was emotional at Neeley's wedding so I knew mine would be no cake walk for him. My brother is so precious, so loving. He lost his emotions early into the rehearsal and had a tough time regaining it.

I was focused on making sure everything was going as I wanted, the order, the attendants, the parents. Mom had a tough time keeping in her spot during rehearsal as she wanted to chit chat with people and mill about. As stressed as I might have been it was a joy to watch everyone's interactions and emotions. I remember looking at Drew listening closely to our minister and the wedding planner trying to keep order around him.

I stood to the side with Aunt Tammy as my rock next to me. David would ask something I hadn't thought of or bring up an alternative method and I would look at her for encouragement and advice. She quietly guided him toward what I desperately wanted but was unable to vocalize.

At the end of our rehearsal it began to rain. I loved it! It felt like a good omen moving forward into the rest of the planned events. Like God's blessing pouring over us.

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