
Nana's Birthday Celebration

I am going to try to wrap up on sharing 2012 events before 2013 hits... fingers crossed. These past few weeks have been busy busy busy. We have been anxiously preparing for Christmas, shipping boxes, wrapping presents, planning, prepping and spending time together as a family. All the while I have been editing like a crazy person, shooting a couple of sessions including a beautiful wedding on the 22nd and trying to keep one finger on my own wedding planning on the while. Needless to say I am ready for things to simmer down a little and my mind to be focused on just one thing... our wedding.

A week before Christmas we celebrated a wonderful birthday as Nana turned 83. This year we decided to celebrate in a little bit more special way than the usual dinner and presents at her house. A few days before Nana's birthday our beloved cousin Diane passed away suddenly. She was an avid reader of this blog, a faithful servant of the Lord, and wonderful confidante to seek advice from and keep you up on current events in the family. Our hearts were heavy as we celebrated Nana's birthday with that loss on them, knowing that Diane's freedom had come and she was resting in her savior's arms. So as we walked into a birthday celebration, the preciousness of life and celebrating little moments were the priority.

I made reservations at a local eatery, BL BISTRO, which Nana had never eaten at for our entire family here in town as well as Danny and Nancy who had traveled in for Diane's services. We ate dinner together and celebrated a remarkable woman whose life has been a blessing to all of us. We had told Nan we were going to do a traveling caravan in our cars to view some Christmas lights in Amarillo, but we had a suprise in store for her... As Neeley and I walked Nana out after dinner she was suprised to find a stretch hummer limo waiting to take us all on a tour of lights. Nana was so excited! We rode around for an hour before going back to have cake and open presents.

She was showered with many wonderful things that we each had searched to find to show some small amount of appreciation for her.

Nana- You are such a blessing to me. You are an incredible example of a mother, wife, sister, christian, and servant. Your love is never ending and your faithfulness is constant. Thank you for all that you do for each one of us. You tirelessly keep our family connected and strong. I love you with all of my heart!

 These are some coasters I made for Nana of some of her great grandchildren.

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