
712 Days

Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my sweet Grandy's passing.

It feels like so much longer and yet as if 5 minutes have passed all at the same time.

I miss him more and more as each day passes without his booming voice in my ears, without getting to hold his hand.

It's funny how much his presence effected the littlest things in everyday life. The moments when the tension mounted to high all we could do was cringe he would sweep in with a joke,willing to take on the wrath of whoever dared to cross him.

He was our comfort, our sanity, my hero. Life sometimes feel a little less bright without him.

I wonder what he would think about the lives we are leading. No doubt he would be proud but what advice would he be willing to share?

I wish he could be here to share in the joys of the new experiences I am encountering, planning a wedding, merging families, building dreams.

I wish he could marry Drew and I on March 30, or read a prayer, or walk me down the aisle.

But I know he is watching over me, Nana, us all and is proud. He is guiding us and cheering us on.

When I close my eyes I can still hear him singing to me...

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine

Two years on earth, an instant in heaven.

I miss you Grandy, today, forever, always!

Never Forget.

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