Neeley had a very specific look she wanted for all of her bridesmaids... her colors were alternating mocha and gunmetal gray. Each bridesmaid had a black headpiece on, mine was the most dramatic :) and awesome necklaces to compliment the look, mine was again the most dramatic. Once we started playing around with makeup and discovering the look Neeley wanted she decided we should all wear bold lips with mine and Kelsey's being slightly different from the rest.... the result was a fashon shoot in the middle downtown on our way to the church. Needless to say Neeley had the coolest looking bridal party around!

Neeley and Lane were married in the church our parent's grew up in. Central Church of Christ has been a staple in our family for as long as I can remember, we have had many many family functions there including Grandy's funeral and Neeley's parent's own wedding ceremony. The chapel is adorned with stainglass windows and a beautful stage with wood paneling. Neeley had the two aisles lined with candles and greenery. The stage had two candleabras with greenery on them. It was stunning.
As we got to the church the groomsmen were already around taking pictures so we snuck in and I took my duty of getting the bride dressed and ready very seriously. All the bridesmaids, Tammy, and flowergirls were all shoved in a small attic room with Neeley as she got dressed. As soon as Neeley put on her dress the moment all became very real of what was about to happen. She looked beyond amazing!
After we trampsed all over the church taking photos I was able to sneak to Lane to give him his wedding present from his bride, and shortly thereafter Drew snuck up to our room to do the same. Seeing him in a tux about made me lose it!
Time seemed to fly as I felt like almost immediately we were lining up to walk down the aisle. I was so blessed to have Drew at my side as we walked down together. Before I we stepped into the chapel I took one final look back at Neeley who was in waiting on the stairwell with her Dad, she quietly mouthed "I love you" to me and I lost it! I barely had time to respond back to her and see her tears before I was walking down with Drew putting my best smile on.
The best part of weddings is seeing a groom see his bride for the first time. As we waited in suspense for Neeley to make her grand entrance listening to the beautiful music of Thomas Newman from Meet Joe Black's soundtrack I couldn't take my eyes off my future brother in law. These were the longest moments for him I know as he anxiously waited for Neeley. My stomach was aching to see her as well for I was missing her after only a 2 minute window. As the music got to just the right moment and the doors opened, everyone in attendance stood and Lane wept as he saw his bride. Neeley's beauty radiated around her through her tears and smile as she was escorted by her dad. Kelsey who was standing behind me had a brief moment of loosing it. She cried and felll into my arms as I tried to remind her how exciting this was. I would later hear from Neeley that this was the last moment she looked at either Kelsey or I as she knew if she saw us she would not be able to hold back her own tears.
Now let me say all the crying you are reading about is not of sadness.... we were all very excited about this marraige and believe it to be 100% of God's will... we are just a very emotional family and change does not come easily so with it comes tears! I did look at Drew as he was watching Lane and saw him overcome with tears as well as this moment.
As Neeley and her Dad reached the first pew, Tammy stood up and joined them in walking Neeley the rest of the way. The giving of Neeley to Lane was presented by both her parents and when asked who gives this woman to marry this man the response was this "Her mother, Kelsey and I" from her Dad. I saw as all the bridesmaids began to weep at the precious moment and saw Kelsey beaming with a smile.
Neeley and Lane chose a wonderful friend of Grandy's to perform their ceremony and it was absolutely the most precious and God filled ceremony I have heard in a long time.
The only hiccup in the ceremony was when Ginna, Neeley's sister in law escaped through the back door to pass out in the hallway, this we would not find out until after the ceremony.
The newlyweds made their exit after their first kiss to The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony and we were all taken to a holding room underneath the chapel until we resumed pictures.
It was an aboslutely perfect ceremony that radiated the love Neeley and Lane have for one another!