
Sunday Believers

I have had a very heavy hear the past few days. It is no new news that our society and moreover my generation has taken to technological social networks like none other. We use it for everything, it is our daily connection to old and new friends, family members, acquantances spread out across the globe. I have been discipled at work and at my Nana's dining room table for being on my phone to much. It is what keeps us engaged.

This week I was shocked to learn news of an old aquantance from ACU that had suffered a brain aneurysm and been pronounced brain dead. I have never since Facbook was created my Freshmen year of college seen such a wonderful use of it. My News feeds were quickly flooded with friends sharing their pleas for prayers with everyone they know. Asking for miracle for this man. You see he was one of those people who even if you didn't "know" him you definitely "knew" him. He was everywhere! He was excitement, he was mesmerizing. I remember him showing up at a family meal at my Nana & Grandy's house and being in awe of him. He truly was walking to be like Jesus. His Facebook walls are covered in people reaching out telling stories of how he impacted their lives. I have been in awe of the outpouring of love for him, but more so of how amazing a Christian Family can be. How we can all unite in prayer from every corner of the globe to beg "God's will be done." Sunday Ibok is currently at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas on life support with his family and close friends making decisions about his life while certainly thousands around the world are praying for him. Amazing that he has united so many people and proved to be such a light and coviction of Christ's love to those around him.

You can read about Sunday's current condition through his church's website.

I have been half waiting to see a story about Sunday pop up on the Foxnews page because of the extreme outpouring. Not quite so, instead today I saw this...

Iranian Pastor Faces Execution for Refusing to Recant Christian Faith
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/09/28/iranian-pastor-faces-execution-for-refusing-to-recant-christian-faith/#ixzz1ZHVLNciR

I cannot believe that in the same world where here ,in America, we are blowing up the Facebook network in prayers to an Almight God, a God who can perform miracles of all sizes, a God who is Grace and Mercy in definiton, in this same world a man is being put to death for believing in that God. For not willingly recanting his faith as a Christian, this man with a wife and two children will be put to death because of an ignorant system in a country that  claims to be "tolerant" of other religions.

My heart is heavy this week at such a contradiction. My heart is heavy for the believers who are suffering. But my heart is hopeful becasuse I know that we do serve a God who is capable of anything!

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