
A weekend of Firsts

This weekend marked many firsts for me.... the biggest of which being my FIRST purchase of some auto equipment?! Is that a real thing? Anyway I had to buy new tires for my car. All 4 had to be replaced and all I can say is thank the good lord that it is wedding season so I could pay for them!

I have been incredibly BLESSED with my automobile situation. I have always had a car to drive and they were always usually far nicer than my friends. I have been the reciepent of several hand-me-down cars from my mom. The past 4 years or so I have been privleged enough to drive her 2006 Ford Explorer. Scooter, as Kelsey has named him, and I have traveled a gazillion trips from Abilene to Amarillo and back and back again along with a trip to Florida, a trip to the mountains, and several occasions of moving me between houses and cities.

I knew my tires were getting bad but after Drew about had a caniption-fit the last time we were leaving Abilene I knew it could be avoided no longer. He sent shock waves through mom and I so bad we were scared to get on the road to go home. Needless to say the next day he had called around and found me the cheapest tires in town. So Saturday morning after a very stressful and exhausting week, a morning I needed/wanted to sleep in, Drew drug me up to Discount Tire where we waited 30 minutes and drove away with 4 spaanking new tires. BIG DAY FOR MEGAN!

(Pretty Huh?!!!) All I know is that my Grandy would be SO PROUD!

Saturday night after much proding from Drew and me not giving any opinions we went to the Route 66 Speedway to watch the dirt races. Let me just say, I have never seen anything like this before and did not expect to witness this in Amarillo,TX.

It was so much more fun than I ever expected. There were crashes, sparks, flats, good food, dirt flying through the air, and a whole lot of red necks.  Overall a FUN night! Will remember for next time though to bring bleacher seats with a back, my own snacks, and a jacket for when it gets cold.

Sunday was spent in a day of bliss, AKA CRAFTMANIA! I finished a couple clutches I have been putting off and made my first felt wreath...

I was pretty excited and proud of this little doo-dad and am looking forward to making some more color combinations.

Last week was pretty trying and wore me down on several levels. My family and I are all going through some pretty big changes right now and trying to navigate the best way to head into the future. I have really been letting this bring my days to a stand-still and spend way to much time worrying for what God has already planned. Today reading my Jesus Calling, the message wrote this...
" Before you even get out of bed I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way... some are trials designed to shake you free from Earth's shackles. Othere are blessings that reveal My Presence."

 I LOVE the idea of hunting for God's hidden treasures that he has specifically placed in my day for me to find. On days like today where it seems I can barely make it through I will search for his messages to me to keep me going... I hope you find yours too!

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