
6 weeks away from Target

It has been 6 weeks since I stepped inside of a store. No Target, no grocery store, not one place! This is called Coronavirus Quarantine and it is the pits!

Trying to keep 3 kids occupied in a house that they have been in for 6 weeks already day in day out has become a real challenge. We have tried out hand at tie dying, came up with some interesting crafts, games, lots of playing outside on the trampoline and inflatable pool. I have thought often during this time that you really should love and more so like your immediate family as that is who you are stuck inside of a house with! No amount of love or like is enough though to keep three kids 6 and under content in these circumstances.

We have really mastered riding bikes around the neighborhood as we have gotten a trailer to pull Rory in behind Drew's bike. These little outings, where we have stayed on opposite sides of the road from any other person out trying to enjoy a different environment to maintain some social distancing, have been the highlight of our days.

The first time I actually did go into a store was this week when I was finally stir crazy enough to mask up and glove up to go get some groceries for myself. It was the most enjoyable grocery shopping experience I have had. I had headphones in, a mask covering my face so I didn't have to worry about smiling (although I still did) and could shop in peace. Although the peace and quiet was idyllic there was a strange atmosphere of trying to avoid other people and beware of the dreaded virus. As restaurants are still closed for inside dining we have ordered take out more to help support local businesses and give myself a break from the monotony of cooking. It has become one of our favorite treats to get take out for dinner.

Our family has been extremely lucky this far as no one has tested positive for the virus. We are remaining to be vigilant about our exposure but allowing for more family dinners including extended family. We have been indulging in park time with our cousins and it is one of the highlights of our week! It is a very different time in life as discussions remain about how to "reopen America" and keep the virus at bay.

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