
8 & 9 Months with Sweet Rory

Rory Ashton we have gotten through 8 & 9 amazing months with you and you are growing up fast!

We officially moved you into your crib full time and you have handled the transition in great stride. I miss having you beside me every night but it's beyond time for you to be in your own crib plus Sissy is loving having you sleeping in "her" room with her. Not sure when she will realize the room belongs to both of you!

Rory you have a few more teeth coming in now and it is causing you some minor discomfort. I took you to the Dr. thinking you maybe had an ear infection after you started waking up during the nights turned out no ear infection but you had 6 teeth coming in so no wonder you weren't too happy! You tend to only want to be in Mom's arms when you are not feeling well and I love getting the extra snuggles.

You are really on the move Rory, crawling very fast now and really flying when wheeling around in your walker. It takes no time at all for you to zip from room to room no matter your mode of movement. You like to get into your brother's room and play with his animal toys or books. The only trouble comes when you get yourself stuck behind a closed door.

Rory your newest trick is shaking your head "no no no." It is pretty cute and your sister thinks it is the absolute most hilarious thing! She tries to get you to do it all the time. Your Sissy also loves giving you hugs and tries to pick you up to carry you around, even after we tell her not to. You are just irresistible to her and she can't wait to play with you.

Food is something you are really enjoying more and more. Your love the baby food crunchies when you are in need of a snack. In the mornings you are really enjoying baby yogurt eating it up in a hurry. For lunch and dinner you are pretty much a big fan of all the other baby food we have tried except banana flavors. We have also tried you with some eggs and avocados neither of which you loved too much.

Rory at your 9 month well child check you weighed at 21 lbs. 7.9 oz (89%), height of 27.8 inches and (58%). Right now you are wearing 12-18 month clothes.

Rory you are an absolute doll to look at and share your smile willingly, if you are feeling good, with all who see you! We absolutely adore you beautiful girl!

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