
Rory is 5 months old

We have now been blessed with our sweet Rory for 5 whole months now and we could not be happier about it!

She is the sweetest most snuggly little chunky girl! Rory's bright blue eyes just light up when she sees anyone doting on her which is most often her big brother and sister. They fight over who gets to say "Hello pretty girl" to her first in the mornings and after her naps and over who gets to be the first one to give her sugars. Rory is working on cutting a few more teeth and She has regressed a little between 7-10 of falling back into her colicky habits wanting only to be held by mom and bounced in a specific way during this time. She is very keen on her Mama right now and prefers to be in my arms above anyone else's. Dad recently had a full day alone with all the kids and Rory was not a fan, crying and screaming the entire time.

Rory is completely over her swing and never wants to be put in it. We moved it out to the garage and it made my heart break a little that she was already big enough to be done with it. She has discovered her exersaucer though and LOVES it! She is just like her sister in this way. She is having so much fun discovering the different textures and toys while spinning around in it. We have also put Rory in the walker and although she has some limited room to move in she is loving scooting around the house on her own in it. She has also really discovered her voice and makes the sweetest noises. Her laughter is such a joyful sound amongst all the chaos around her! 

Rory has had a few rough nights not sleeping through the night recently and I am thinking this is just due to a growth spurt. She is still sleeping by our bed in her bassinet but she has taken a few naps in her crib. Rory doesn't always need to be rocked to sleep as long as she is swaddled and her white noise is on she will fall asleep on her own. The girl is now continually wearing 9-12 month clothes and even some 18 month items! Her cousin Emma who is 14 months older, is outgrowing clothes that Rory is moving right into! Rory is not a fan of her bows, as she pulls them down over her eyes constantly. She is taking formula 6-7 ounces every 5-6 hours now. We have tried some banana flavored teether foods but she was not a fan!

We are all such huge fans of you Rory and are so thankful God put you in our lives!! 

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