For the most part we have gotten all of our colic issues under control and you are a pretty easy baby. You have discovered your smile and it is the absolute sweetest sight! You are extremely generous with it and smile at anyone smiling at you, who is of course anyone looking at you. You are such a beautiful baby Rory! You have the brightest blue eyes just like your Nana’s. I feel as though I’m looking in her eyes when I look into yours. Currently your hair is also a beautiful red color like hers and I am hoping it stays that way.
You love to be cuddled up in someone’s arms but have been really good about taking long naps in the afternoon in your bassinet. You have also teased me by sleeping through the night a time or two but haven’t nailed down your consistency on that yet. When 7:30-8 pm rolls around you still like to be bounced on a medicine ball while being held tightly against my chest, I think it reminds you of being in the womb when I bounced with you.
At your 2 month check up the Dr was thrilled with how much neck strength you had and how alert you were. You follow noises and movement like a pro but you’ve been that way since almost the beginning! You weighed in at 12lbs. 9 oz and were 24 inches long putting you in the 90th and 98th percentiles.
Rory your siblings continue to be completely in awe of you! When either of them wake up you are the very first person they want to see. Haven can hear you make a peep from across the house long before I can! Everett will come peek at you and marvel on how “adorable” you are or tell me “ mom she is just a beautiful girl “ to which I couldn’t agree more! We all adore you my love and are so thankful God chose us to be your family!
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