My oh my how in the world is it even possible that Haven Molly is ONE?! This little beauty is Joyful, Funny, Loud, Precious and Independent!
Sweet Haven you are full of surprises! About 3 weeks ago you stopped taking your formula so we tried you on Whole Milk and you haven't looked back since. You gulp down milk like it's going out of style. You also like apple juice but especially if it's in your brother's sippee cup! We got you one of your own big kid cups and you are handling it like the pro that you are. You can also out eat Everett at any given meal. Your favorite things to eat are goldfish, apple sauce, eggs, and granola bars or pretty much anything that is around.
Haven you have learned to stick up for yourself with Everett... you can "take him down" and it is hilarious to watch. He lets you do this but you certainly pin him down and then you guys just laugh and laugh and laugh. It is the sweetest thing to watch you two play together and laugh at one another! You love to be held sweet Haven. Especially if your Mom is around. While I am doing chores you chase me down on your hands and knees crying to be held. This is actually about the only time you cry. I just bought another baby carrier for toddlers so that I can carry you with me while doing laundry and cleaning house. I am cherishing these moments because I know you won't want to be held like this forever. You do like to snuggle and will lay your head down on whomever chest is around.
You are really starting to talk a bit and talk back to Everett. You are saying Mama, Dada, Nana, and Hi. But you also like to mouth off and if I am getting on to Everett you jump in and give him some choice ramblings as well. You love to mimic his animal sounds that he does!
Haven you now have 10 teeth! You love love love baths and will take off to the bath as soon as you hear the water turn on. You are dancing anytime there is music on and it's the cutest thing ever! You have also started clapping your hands! On the day we had your birthday party on March 18th, we got home and you took off walking with 7 steps. You haven't really stood on your own at this point and are just walking from place to place with the help of furniture so we were shocked when you took off like this! We tried to get you to do it again but you only took about 3 steps and sat down. All that to say I think it will only be a few days before you are off and walking!
Your hair is starting to grow in more fuller and it has the prettiest red shine to it. You look so much like your Nana right now and I hope you stay looking like that. Your eyes have settled a beautiful brown which you get from your Dad along with your beautiful full lips. People say they see me in you and I am hoping it continues to show!
Haven we had your 12 month wellness check and you weighed in at 24 lbs. 2.5 ounces and 30 3/8 inches long! This put you in the 90 and 95 percentile. The doctor said you are ahead developmentally and are completely perfect which we already knew of course!
You sweet girl have completed our family in a way we never knew possible! You have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives! We absolutely adore you and are so blessed by you sweet one! I can't wait to watch as you grow and learn more about the world around you! Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl!!