
Haven is 4 months old

Oh sweet precious Haven you are such a sweet baby! I am so excited you are growing but also so sad time is moving by so quickly.

Your little personality has really been shining through lately and it is one of pure contentment. You are a very happy baby now! Usually you only cry if you are hungry or tired. You are constantly smiling especially when looking at your Mom or Dad. You wake up with the gummiest little grin in the mornings and it makes me so happy, it also proves you are much more like your Dad and not a grumpy riser like your Mom.

You are getting so much stronger with each day. Still trying your hardest to stand up on your own but you love to have help and put your feet on the ground.  You are sitting up in your Bumbo like a pro now. You love to look around at the world around you and take it all in. You are very observant and quick to look and find the action in the room.

After I had my gallbladder out a month ago my breastmilk took a big hit, I tried everything I could to produce more for you but after two weeks it was just not keeping you satisfied. I was very sad to switch you to formula but you did not mind one bit. You nursed for just under 4 months. Since being on formula full time you have really started to grow. At your doctor's visit last week you weighed in at 13 lbs 13 ounces and were 24.5 inches long. Both putting you in the 50 percentile for your age. The doctor said you check perfect in every single box but extra perfect in the beauty box because you are such a beautiful girl!

We moved you to your own room about 2 weeks ago. I was sad not to have you so near to me and had a very sleepless night the first night constantly checking on you in the monitor. You did great! We have kept you in your Rock'n'play for the transition, you are not phased at all. We had your uncle and his family come in last weekend and they needed your room to sleep in so you have been bumped back in with us but for only a short time. You are sleeping really well still after a week of 4 am wake ups that had me running on empty. You usually take your last bottle at 10:30 and slept anywhere between 8-9:30. We still put you in a sleep sack during the night and for one long nap during the day. Otherwise you snooze in your swing!

You are really enjoying laying out flat on  your back on the floor. You are discovering toys around you that you can swipe your arm at to make noise. Everett loves to come lay beside you when you do this and often brings his toys to share with you, by share I mean lay them all over you. I came in one morning after changing sheets to find him sharing Meyer, his stuffed bear, with you. He was absolutely delighted to share his most favorite thing with his baby sister. He loves to hold your hand in the car, it melts my heart!

Haven you have really started to find your voice. You can really "talk" now and tell us all about things. You mostly do this in the evenings for now after the rest of the house goes to sleep and it is just you, dad and I. It is the sweetest sound ever! 

Haven you are an absolute delight to us! We treasure every moment with you and your precious smiles. The lord knew just what our family needed when he put you in our lives and I am so thankful he did! We love you sweet sweet girl!

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