Haven's two months has come and gone. It is true what they say, time does go by much faster with the second baby! I can only imagine the third going at warp speed. Our precious baby girl is just that... Precious!! She is an absolute doll. I still find my self looking down at her shocked that I have two kids but even more so that I have a daughter. I find myself reflecting so much more on my relationship with my own Mom and hoping for a similar one with Haven in the future.
Haven is continuing to grow. She now weighs 9 lbs. 14.5 oz and is 22.5 inches long. We are officially out of newborn clothes and into 3 months outfits. It was a bittersweet day when we made the transition. I was excited about all the new options available for dressing my real life doll baby but sad that we were once again saying goodbye to the petite newborn outfits that we first dressed our new daughter in.
Haven is still exclusively breastfeeding every 4 hours. She does not miss a meal often or let that 4 hour mark go by except for at night. Amazingly she has been consistently sleeping until 5-6 am after new night time nursing at 11. The past few nights she has woken up at the 3:00 hour and I realized just how spoiled I had gotten to her sleeping through the nights already!
Haven is an incredibly alert baby. She is holding her head up on her own for long periods of time and trying to "stand" up. She is pushing her feet off of everything trying to get leverage to move herself. She loves to be sitting up looking around at things happening. What is Usually in her eyesight is her silly brother playing ferociously with his toys. She does not like for me to get too far out of her sight though and will instantly let me know with cries if I am. Haven likes to constantly be moving which has been a challenge at times for me to get things done around the house. She continues to hate her car seat, screaming crying whenever it is not moving like when we are at a stop light. I find myself driving around with one arm reaching behind me trying to help her hold her paci in her mouth for some relief. It sometimes doesn't work and she continues to cry until she is picked up and held. Haven also continues to suffer from tummy issues with gas trouble and constipation leaving her feeling uncomfortable at times.
Haven is very much a snuggler liking to be held tight and close to whomever. She loves to be pressed against my chest and would like for me to never put her down. She is gracing us with the most beautiful smiles lately. Haven loves to be talked to close to her face and at these times her little mouth creeps into the sweetest smile, often accompanied by her tongue sticking out. She thinks her Dad is absolutely the best and will light up when she sees him! Drew has gotten Haven hooked on Chris Stapleton's Tennessee Whiskey song and it always calms her down, even if just for a minute. Everett is continually getting used to his sister. He is her biggest protector. At her first cries he will run and find me and drag me by the hand back to her. However if the cries go on for too long and he can't get away, like in the car, he will cover his ears. If that doesn't work he has been resorting to screaming too. I think we will stay out of the car for awhile, for my sanity at least! If Everett sees one of Haven's paci's he will bring it to me and vehemently talk at me until I give it to her. He likes to come sit in the room while I am dressing or changing her and will always grab the nearest blanket, bib, or toy that he thinks will make her happy. He is a proud and precious big brother to you Haven. I can't wait to watch yall's relationship grow!