You now have mastered climbing onto the coffee table and kitchen chairs where you prefer to spend your time sitting because you think you are one of the grownups. I love watching you learn to excel knew challenges including climbing on the furniture. You grab the back of the chair with your two little chubby hands and pull yourself up on your tummy, the absolute cutest!
You have found out where the snacks are kept and bring me in what you what when your hungry. This includes hauling around the Sam's jumbo container of animal crackers and goldfish. I can you hear hauling them all the way from the kitchen with the sweetest little grunts. Once you have delivered the snacks you run back to the kitchen to grab your munchies cup for me to put them in. You are such a smarty!
Everett you have not been a cuddiler for a very long time, like since I rocked you to sleep long. You are very independent and like your own space most of the time. When we watch Daniel Tiger, which you are obsessed with, or another movie you will sit beside me but the minute I try to cuddle with you or kiss you you will then scoot away from me. However there are some extra special times when you scoot up really close and lay your head on me... pretty much the best time ever! I try not to breathe or move so you don't realize what you are doing and move away. There are also very limited times when you will lay your head on my shoulder and I absolutely cherish these moments.
You are a very picky eater. You will eat and love one thing one day and two days later not touch it at all. You love to dip anything though. You dip food in ketchup, mustard, soup or whatever else you can. Last week your Dad and I caught you eating your broccoli florets and we both almost fell over in shock.
Everett you really enjoy books but only to flip through the pages. You do not like to wait long enough for Dad or I to read you the actual words on the pages so we make up the story as fast as we can keep up with you flipping pages. Everett you are a mad dancer! Your go to move is to pop up one shoulder and bend the elbow and rock back and forth. Your Dad accuses me of teaching you this little move and he constantly makes fun of our dancing but I think you have some skill.
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