The past few weeks have been super busy around here. Patrick got engaged to Taren Bullock and we are beginning wedding planning and celebrations there. We love Taren and are so excited she will be becoming a part of our family. I truly couldn't have asked for a better girl for Patrick!
We celebrated Sweet Kelsey's High School Graduations, pictures and post to come. And we received a surprise visit from Ryan!! It has been almost 2 years since we have seen Ryan or his family. We last got together in New Orleans just before they left for Hawaii. Ryan came in just in time for Kelsey's graduation so for several days my Mom got to have all three of her kids together in one place! Of course I had to document the occasion with a quick little photo session. It was a little difficult to work with a timer and get Mom and Everett to look at the camera but I think we got a few keepers from the mix!
These are great, and Molly looks so very happy!!!