
7 Months

I have alot to post on from our life lately but before I get too much further behind here is Everett's 7 Month update.

Everett Neal is FULL OF LIFE! He is so generous with his smiles and a little more cautious with his laughter but when  you get that out of him it is pure delight!

Everett is taking bottles every 5 hours and eating two meals of fruit and veggies a day. He is a big fan of apples but not a fan of chicken noodle or green foods.

I broke his sleep sack quickly after his 6 month post and was scared to death about the transition from sleep sack to just a blanket but my little boy wonder didn't skip a beat. He has continued to sleep through the nights with a blanket over him and his arms sprawled out to his sides. Recently Everett has been turning on his side to sleep. It is both precious and hilarious!

Everett has learned to give "sugars" when asked and his response is a wide open mouth headed right for yours. He loves giving them to his Gran-nana, he can't seem to get enough.

Everett spends a lot of time rolling on the floor and is still working on trying to crawl.

He has mastered the arm flapping to show his delight and excitement. It begins in the the mornings when I walk in to get him out of his crib, if he isn't on all fours turning around in his crib those arms start flapping at the sound of my voice. I love it!

We are experiencing some attachment issues with his Momma. Always having to keep his eyes on me no matter where we are.  On our walks in the stroller Everett turns every 5 seconds to make sure I am still there. It is pretty precious!

We are blessed with the most precious boy in the world! 

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