
Memories of a special lady on my birthday

(Birthday flowers sent to me from my precious husband who knows Peonies are my most favorite!)

There are some people who touch your life at a young age and you carry them in a very special place in your heart for the rest of time.

For me one of those people was Polly Hilbert. I knew Polly through church at Highland in Abilene as I was growing up. She was The precious outspoken "grandmother" of the church who dealt out hugs like they were candy. I have a picture of Polly and I together outside the church after my 5th grade graduation ceremony of some kind. I was so proud to have that picture of the two of us together, both in our summer hats. After moving back to Abilene in middle school I befriended Whitney, Polly's granddaughter and was accepted into the Hilbert family. The biggest plus of this was then getting to call Polly "Mimi" as her grandchildren did.

From a the time I was in elementary school I have looked up to Polly as a Christian Mentor. She always reminded me so much of my Grandy in the way her evangelicalism was never outshone by anything. She never met a stranger and always spoke of her saviour within the first few minutes of conversation. She loved her family fiercely and was always there for a lost soul in need. I can think of the countless times she opened her home up to a person in need. Through my friendship with Whitney I have been able to spend alot of time with Polly and have locked away several memories that will make me laugh till I die. One such memory was after Whitney and I returned from Africa, a place Polly's heart had always been invested but she was never able to go to, we had a real African meal for Polly. Along with some other friends who had been there we all dressed in our  African garb and cooked shima and greens to eat. As we were sitting at the table I am telling a story to Polly and she keeps asking me to repeat myself, So I take the hint and begin speaking rather loudly so she can hear me. She quickly grabs her ear and says "Meg, dear you don't have to yell!" Polly's quick wit and accurate analysis of the situation couldn't have been matched and the entire table fell into a roar of laughter. My last visit with Polly was in August when she told me I was having a boy... nailed it even before I knew, and that I should name him Abraham Lincoln. When Whitney told her that trip that I was pregnant she smiled politely at me and remarked about how "nice" that was. A moment later when I mentioned my husband she said "Ohh Praise the Lord I was praying for you and that Babe thinking you weren't married!"

Even though Polly was beginning to suffer from some memory loss in the end her reassuring hand grasp and precious smile always took me back to being in the 5th grade again looking up at one of Jesus' true angels on Earth.

Today as I celebrate my 28th birthday I am also grieving the loss of a true servant of Christ and Mimi whose love will be carried on forever in the legacy of her children and great-grandchildren. Last night Polly met her maker and what a beautiful reunion that would have been to witness. I can only imagine the conversations that Polly will be having this day as she is welcomed with open arms into Heaven. I am praying for Whitney, Beverly, Sam and many more who will miss her presence here on Earth and asking for peace as they walk through this journey without her.

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