I have been working on my Wedding Week Part Two post but it is taking alot out of me to relive the days before our wedding, to dwell on actions and words said. I want to write about it in a fair and honest way in reflection of the week but also to document the effects of Alzheimer's disease. I haven't finished yet because I feel like I just come off as a snob and brat.
Anyway I, like the country I think have been really caught up in the horrible acts last week in Boston. I was glued to the TV all week watching for any new information.
I have always been one of those people who "feel" tragedies really hard. Like I can't stop feeling the weight of what the people in Boston must be feeling or the people of West, TX who's town was demolished with an explosion I cry at new stories constantly because I just Feel it! Anyway I have been carrying around a sadness with me since last weeks bombings. Sometimes I feel like I am always just waiting for the next Bad News thing to happen, in the world, in our country, in our city or state or in my life directly.... That is no way to live and obviously I am struggling putting my trust in God's hands right now.
On a lighter note...Can I tell you how awesome my husband is? Last week our washer started acting up. As in didn't drain for one cycle. Drew said it was going out and the next day came home with a brand new set of washer and dryer for our house. His company gave them to us for a wedding present. So awesome! I have really enjoyed my wifely duties doing laundry in our new set. Nana was a little jealous. I am a lucky girl!
Here is my husband installing our new washer and dryer... STUD!
Saturday was Neeley's birthday!! We celebrated with the family on Friday night at a cookout at Tammy's house. Neeley wanted Hamburger's and Malts. Nana brought her blender and made the most delicious malts ever! It was a wonderful evening to celebrate Neeley with family!! Saturday night Drew and I met Neeley and Lane and Bailey and Colton downtown for a celebratory drink. Here is a picture of Neeley now... she has Purple Hair and rocking it out!!
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