
Patience and Light

Today I walked into my office immediately asking God for PATIENCE.

Patience with the people I encounter today.

Patience for my job and the sometimes dreary task of selling insurance.

Patience for the incessant questions I encounter everyday.

Patience so that I do not roll my eyes or tune out when someone is telling me something I think is completely irrelevant.

Patience when it takes someone longer to do something than if I just did it myself.

Patience for when people take advantage and I choose to do what is right.

And then I open my Jesus Calling. I know I quote/talk about this devotional alot but that is because IT GETS TO ME! Days like today when I need God beside me more than usual or I feel like I can just not make it through the day, I open it to read a message that seems hand selected for me and my need for THIS day.

Today it read " Look at other people through lenses of love; see them from My perspective. This is how you walk in the Light and it pleases me."

Couldn't have hit me harder or at a better time!

So today instead of answering every call with disgust already, or not paying much attention to anyone who walks in the office, instead of getting short with my coworkers... I will show them that I live in the LIGHT of HIS LOVE!

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