
Summer Fun

This has been a bit of an isolated And strange summer. Last year our summer involved lots of outings and activities and this year we have stayed close to home! Our days consisting of playing in the water, jumping on the trampoline, lots of bike rides and walks! 

Our favorite “outing” has been meeting our cousins at the park for some extra exercise and new people to play with! Being close to them is what makes living in Midland worthwhile! They have the sweetest friendships and buddy system and I love watching their relationships grow and evolve! 

Our other place of outing is to visit Mimi at work. She has revamped the local Habitat for Humanity Restore into an impressive place to find amazing home furnishing steals. It is housed in a massive warehouse so the kids like to go and visit her and play in all the extra space. Plus Mimi always has fun snacks for them when they visit! 

I’m so grateful for our home that can provide shelter and protection in the midst of this pandemic and although it can at times feel cramped after spending so much time here we have space to play outside, a park across the street and can play free of fear of contracting the COVID virus!!