
Everett turned 5!

Everett Tristan Neal, how in the world did you get to be 5 already? It was just yesterday that we were bringing our first baby home, scared to death not knowing what to do with this brand new babe, and now here you are a big 5 year old!!

Oh Everett you are such a sweet tender-hearted little boy! You love your family so much but are such a Mama's boy! You tell me that when you grow up you want to just stay with me and it is the sweetest! I know you will change your mind of this one day. You are the first to tell me that you like my hair, or lips, or dress when I actually put effort into them. You are a proud big brother to your sisters but have a special place in your heart right now for Rory. You are quick to care for her and give her lot of kisses. You love to play with Haven outside trying to get her to play Jungle Book or some Dinosaur game with you! When your Dad comes home from work you love to play animals with him or just let him tickle you!

Everett you have started your first year of Pre-K and are doing so very well in it! You have your cousin Norah in there and you two are the very best of friends. I have been so impressed with how quickly you have picked up new skills in school and your desire to learn more. You tell me that your favorite part of school is playing on the playground where you and Norah play together. Everett you remain the pickiest of all eaters only liking chicken tenders, not nuggets, buttered pasta, and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. You never want any sauce on anything!

Dinosaurs and wild animals are still your absolute favorite things ever! You are king of the dinosaurs and always want one when you have the option to get a toy. You ability to imitate animal noises is still unbelievably realistic and on point to whatever animal you are doing. For your show and tell each week in Pre-K you somehow find an animal or dinosaur with that letter to bring. This year you have also started playing t-ball for the Tin Caps. Your games have been twice a week and will last about 6 weeks. You have really enjoyed playing and really like your coach. You are a good little hitter and quick runner but get a little bored when fielding and spend a lot of your time playing with the dirt or twirling around. It has been so much fun though to go out and watch you push your boundaries into a new area and you are adorable in your uniform.

Everett you are still my big movie watcher and will sit down through just about any movie and watch from start to finish. Your favorites are Jurassic World ( you got probably a too early start on this one),  Lion King (still!), and anything else with animals in it. I credit your love of movies to when you were a babe and I would take you to the theatre with me swaddled in my arms. I look forward to sharing this love of movies with you as you grow up! 

At your 5 year well child checkup with your pediatrician they detected that you may have a slight astigmatism in  your left eye. So after following up with an opthamologist you received your very first pair of glasses and you area ADORABLE in them! I finally feel like I can claim more of your appearance after 5 years of everyone saying you look just like your Dad,  you now look like your Dad with glasses like your Mom. You picked out some bright blue glasses and have done amazing at keeping them on so far. You have to wear them all the time and I hate that this will be something you have to deal with for the rest of your life most likely (only because I have to and I get grumpy about putting on glasses everyday)  but I am also extremely grateful that it is a simple astigmatism and that you look so stinking cute in your glasses! 

For your birthday this year we were going to have a dinosaur party with all of our family here in Midland, however you threw up at school that day and were sent home early. So instead we had a small family party at home. The next day, on your actual birthday, you still weren't feeling well so you stayed home and you and I watched movies, played dinosaurs, met Dad for lunch and when you felt a little better went to pick out a special new one for your birthday! It wasn't the big party I wanted to have but it ended up being even better because we got to spend special time together! When you were able to go back to school the next week we took cupcakes with little dinosaurs on them to share with all your classmates.

Everett Neal, what a blessing you are to our family! You are such a great big brother to  your sisters and precious son to your Dad and I! I cannot believe that you are already 5 years old, it happened in a flash but I adore every new stage with you and love watching you grow, learn and become such a sweet little gentlemen!

Haven's 3rd Birthday!

Oh Haven Molly how in the world did you get to be 3 so fast?!

Beautiful girl you are so full of life! I think that this year going from 2 to 3 has brought the biggest changes in you. It seems that all of a sudden you went from our little baby to our little girl. And what a beautiful girl you are Haven! You have the most beautiful brown eyes that just shine all the time but especially when you are laughing. Trying to keep you to sit still, even if just for 30 seconds is a massive challenge because you just can not be bothered to sit there is just to much other things to do or explore! You do however love to have Mama hold you and "rock me like a baby" which I gladly do every time!

Haven you are a fierce big sister to your Rory. You love to show her things and play with her but want her to only play like you want which is hard for a 9 month old baby do to. You are always the first one to hear her cries and come get me when she needs something. Your favorite playmate right now is your brother and you make him laugh harder than anybody! He thinks you are so very funny with your silly voices, noises and dance moves. You are the first person to try to get a laugh out of anyone around you and you spread so much joy this way Haven!

When it comes to needing someone to run an errand with me or Dad you are always the first one, usually the only one, that wants to go! We love these times of getting to take you by yourself and watch your confidence and independence as you explore the world around you! You started Mother's Day out this year Haven and you absolutely LOVED it! You would run into your class with hardly a glance behind you to tell me bye, until I walked by again after dropping off Emma with Aunt Nene in her class down the hall, and then you were the loudest one at the door waving "Bye Mom" furiously! I imagine that in that short 2 minutes it took to walk Emma into her class after dropping you off, you did the rounds of the room surveying the toys out that day and who was in class already only to circle back to the door looking for something new to grab your attention. It always made me feel so good to leave you there knowing you were so happy and having so much fun! Your teachers loved you and often said you were so very sweet you just never stopped moving. On the days you were home with Me and Rory at home while Bubba was at school you love to spend your days coloring, playing dress up (Belle is a favorite), and doing puzzles. You also love to sing so much and you have the sweetest little voice! You have a sweet little soul and will always just say "Mom I love you so so so much" out of no where. It absolutely melts me! You have learned to use "I love you" when you are in trouble though and that shows a bit of the smarts you have got going for you my love. You catch on very very quickly to things Haven and it takes you no time at all to imitate what someone has done from singing a song, to a phrase that's been said, to trying to use a knife to open something instead of asking for help. Haven you love to give sugars and kissing you is like kissing a cloud because you have fullest sweetest lips!

Haven this year you learned how to ride your bike. Dad taught you at the park across the street from our house in Midland and once you picked it up you could not be stopped! It wasn't long before you even tried to jump on the neighbor girls bigger bike. This is another think that I admire so much about you Haven, you are fearless! It also scares me because you aren't scared of anything. It is not uncommon for you to be yelling hello out to passing dogs, picking up bugs, turtles or frogs that we find, or jumping into a swimming pool with floaties on after the first try. What is not shocking about this is that you were our first child to be taken in to the Urgent Care for what we thought was a broken bone. Turned out to be you dislocated your arm at your elbow while playing in a jump house at a birthday party. You wore a sling for a day or so and then were back to your full speed self.

For your birthday party this year Haven we had a Bee themed birthday party. It seemed especially fitting for you my sweet girl because you are always buzzing from one place to the next usually at a sprint. We invited all of our family to come and celebrate you at our house. I made lots of decorations to support our theme and cooked your Nana's Shrimp Queso recipe with cookies, cupcakes and a special cake just for you! You were showered with so much love Haven and were celebrated by so many!

You are such a special girl Haven Molly! You have brought so much Joy to your Dad and I from the moment you entered the world and we feel so incredibly blessed to get to be your parents! I can't wait (but kind of can) to see how much you will change and grow this next year! I love you my sweet sweet girl!!