
One Month with Rory

We have been loving on Rory for one month now and we all agree she is the absolute sweetest! We are all madly in love with this girl. Everett and Haven can hardly go 10 minutes without coming over to give her kisses. Haven only refers to Rory as "baby Rory" and Everett greets her every day with "Hello Beautiful Baby."

Rory is my snuggliest baby yet, she prefers to spend her time wrapped up in my arms or snuggled up to me in the Moby wrap. Throughout my pregnancy with every sonogram appointment the tech would remark on how snuggled up to me you were in the womb and you have kept this trend up and I must admit I absolutely love it!

With our second night in the hospital we noticed that Rory was having some gas pains and these only continued to worsen once we got home. After two weeks of being more and more "unsettled" the Dr. diagnosed her as colic. Thankfully from experience with our family we knew it was a very mild case but nothing seemed to help give her relief. Rory had been my best baby at breastfeeding from the beginning but we discovered she was suffering from a milk allergy that has resulted in us switching from breastmilk to a specialized hypo-allerginic formula. I was really hoping to nurse for a lot longer but Rory has already been very responsive to the formula that I know this was just what she needed to feel better. However as of now she is still not a fan at all of her carseat and finds the most comfort in being held. Her favorite position is snuggled up in a ball laying on my chest. I cherish all these moments of getting to keep you snuggled up to me though and hoping we are setting a trend for the future when you are a toddler!

Rory has already rolled from her front to back a few times while trying to get some tummy time in. I was shocked to see her do this so early following in her sister's footsteps! She has given us lots of sweet smiles and is focusing more clearly on the world around her. She recognizes voices of people around her and tries to follow them with her eyes and head which she has been lifting since day 2 of life. Rory is a strong girl who will push away anything she doesn't want with her arms and legs. Her favorite thing is still keeping her hands up by her face like she did in the womb. People seem to remark that as of now she looks more like her brother right off the bat but those who know you well think you are a perfect combination of both your siblings looks. When we took Rory to her two week checkup she weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 inches long.

Rory you are pure perfection! We are so thankful for the gift of getting to be your parents and can't imagine our lives without you!