My Precious Haven how is it you are already 6 months old?!? My darling girl you are an absolute angel!
Haven we thought we struck Gold when we got your brother and experienced the most content, happy and delightful baby ever... well God has beyond blessed us and we have struck Gold twice because you may be more happy and more content than even Everett was. Something we never thought possible! You did reign a little terror in your first few months but we will chalk that up to just being a girl.
Your 6 month update is coming a little late because we have just experienced some big changes in our life. For your whole existence to this point we have lived in a house with your Nana. She loved to come marvel at the beauty that you are. She loved to come coo at you while you sat in your bouncy chair or your exersaucer. She deeply loves you sweet one. Her disease has progressed and we just recently moved her into a memory care unit where she can get better care, this meant we also needed to move and we have just moved into the second house you would live in (your brother's third). You have not let this change mess you up one itsy bit. You are actually sleeping better at the new house than you were before. The new house is all hardwood in the living areas allowing you to master your new skill of rolling around in the walker. You just scoot from one end of the house to the next following me as I do chores in each room.
Haven after what felt like months and months of you teething you are finally cutting your first tooth. It is on the bottom right side of your gums. You have been more fussy than usual and wanting more snuggles with Mom but that is just fine by me! You are really enjoying to chew on anything you can get your hands on. You have also become quite handsy and grab at everything. You have gotten into cabinets, pulled down lamps, and yanked on my glasses and that was just in one day! You are really loving to explore the world around you and get your hands and mouth on everything you can.
Eating is such a fun thing to you sweet Haven. You have really liked eating everything you have tried so far... squash, sweet potatoes and peaches were favorites. You cleaned up your green beans but gave a little shiver of disgust after each bite. This didn't stop you because you were quickly trying to get the next bite. You were not at all a fan of bananas. You are still taking a bottle of formula every 4-5 hours. During the day it is 6 ounces and for your last bottle at 9 pm it is 8 ounces. I am so excited that you have learned how to consistently hold your bottle on your own! This is huge win for us and gives me time to do things while you are drinking, at night though I still like to hold you and rock you while you eat!
You started rolling over in your 6th month and therefore we had to move you out of your swaddle sack. I tried to have you sleep without anything for a few nights and after you being up every hour we got you a sleep sack that allows your arms to be out while the rest of your body is zipped in a blanket. This was just what you needed because that night you slept soundly through the night again!
Haven your brother is your biggest fan! He wakes up in the morning asking "where sissy?" I am not sure he knows your name because we always refer to you as sissy. He usually wakes before you in the mornings and I have to persuade him to not go in and wake you up. If he ever disappears for a minute I can hear him talking to you in your crib. He will then run to me and say "pease Mama pease Sissy pease!" then he grabs my hand and drags me to get you out. He shares his toys with you and has tried to share dough nut holes and goldfish with you. Any person who comes up to us he immediately says "sissy" and points to you so everyone knows you are his sissy! It melts my heart! He adores you just the like rest of us!!
At your 6 month wellness check-up with Dr. Fletcher you weighed 17 lbs 11.5 ounces, your head was 17 1/4 and your height was 26 1/2 inches putting you in the 50-75 % for both height and weight. He said you were absolutely perfect and advanced in your development!
Haven Molly we are madly in love with you and the joy you bring to our home! We could not be more proud to be your parents and have the gift of raising you and watching you grow and learn each day!